Fleshcraft Exploit

Changing soulbinds before match, didnt know you can do but would be the same as changing talents… no exploit

Fleshcraft always did more if you had max health increasing abilities, now its finally on par with kyrian’s vial… still no exploit

Using them together is considered an exploit, but like all the other cooldown stacking is not? sure ok

Its actually the first time having fleshcraft feel like a strong ability as well as using it mid-fight… really before I’d only be using it to bait kicks so it would lock shadow and not my healing lol

Wow 27k? That’s almost as much as a Templar’s Verdict these days.

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If i were to have made fleshcraft i would probably just make fleshcraft an instant cast shield that did a little more than a rapture shield every 45 - 1 min, and make it last for about 20-25 sec. sounds dumb but eh. only reason i would do it is just to make it more managable and it doesnt go off health

Buying a carry in a dead non esports game is the most degen of things to do esp when playing a Ret this season. Should be ashamed of yourself

I never once admitted to being carried but i’ll sure run with it because it’s not like anyone will believe me anyways :man_shrugging:

And also let’s say hypothetically I did pay for a carry, that right there is more impressive than trying to get rating in a dead MMO because I can actually earn enough money inrl to throw a couple hundo at a game and get the same rating as the sweaty boomers that make it their life goal to get that rating.

But go on, keep defending the new WoW token meta where any idiot can get slammed up the ladder by Billy the Turbo Warrior.

I’m sure eventually one day someone will come by and care about your rating :rofl:

This ^ nothing about what he is doing is an exploit, but being able to swap back covenants after utilizing one is kinda silly.

the whole point of the post is that hes swapping covenants and still getting value out of a soulbind talent he isn’t even running. how is this anything but an exploit?? chuck and his team could literally flyhack at blizzcon and the OTK asmon heads will still call it smart theorycrafting

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Just an FYI most people buying carries are pvers and have lots of gold lying around from doing aotc sales or key sales.

Pvers offering me 3-4 mill for 2400 carries all the time.

Also for alll we know you just spent your stimulus check on tokens lmao :joy: doesn’t mean your rolling in the :bread:

I don’t care about my rating why would I assume anyone else does lmao

I play this game for 1 shots and fun cuz it’s pretty trash game for the last 6 years.

Jesus… Blizzard is rolling in that WoW token money rn.

Why would they EVER change rating locked gear when it’s this profitable?

If people buying 3-4 mill in tokens for 2400 I’d be sooo sad for them

Yeah but like for some people that’s nothing.

I feel like iLevel became this social currency now where you having a high level gets you invited to all the best groups, and every group lower level than you will instantly invite you too because they think they’re gonna get carried cause of the gear diff.

People don’t mind spending money if it gets them social acceptance from people on their friend’s list & LFG which is somehow more sad than just doing it for gear so you can compete with others lmao

Yeah my thing is I think most that would drop the $$ are legit like drug addict behavior where they are spending Money they need on this awful game lol

Bro you’d be surprised about the gambling addiction behavior that MMOs have these days, I played this game called BDO for a little bit and I got put onto a video where this guy justified spending over a $100k USD in order to get the best gear in a super heavy P2W MMO.

Like there’s whole P2W MMOs that thrive off a small community who just buys a lot of cash shop stuff, it’s insanely profitable.

Someone ping locturnal KekW

Ret is ok, Sub rogues duel one shot is ok, we need to nerf warriors and chill streak.

Takes away his ability to ultimate form if he used it in the pre game though. I’ve had that save me more than some HP would.

Dps when a healer finds out a way to survive a 3 second stun. NOOOOOOOO STOP NO BLIZZARD MAKE IT STOP NOOOOOoooo

27k isn’t any exploit I’m pretty sure i can actually beat that on my shaman, worst case come really close.

That’s like 3 globals, yawn.

Don’t bother exchanging any meaningful feedback with that keyboard warrior.
He is some expert troll that criticize you as uneducated when you are referring to video evidence of Paladin one shot potential from past patch. It just shows that troll could not read.

The troll also attack you as not in IQ points. That does not make any sense at all. It sounds like he actually had conducted a IQ classification test on you to get a proper IQ score. Either your IQ score is high or low. I don’t know what that troll means by not in IQ points. There is no negative range of IQ score. Or he makes up a new IQ classification ???

There are tons of Rank 1 Arena player complains about RET outstanding performance. If the troll could not find it, that is his fault.

Just ignore that troll XXXXXXpac because you will not get any meaningful conversation from keyboard warrior like that.

Nobody claimed they, they all said it was a buff.
