Flasks falling off in Battlegrounds

Exactly why he is so upset about flasks being removed from random bgs.

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They removed flasks, because low Honor Level players (newer players) were at a disadvantage. A majority of the PvP player base (Low Honor Levels) aren’t even aware the flasks exist.

I have tried telling you people over and over again… that low Honor Levels are completely destroying PvP. Maybe now… you’ll come to my side? or continue to attack me… I’m not the one ruining the game.

i mean, you like to flaunt your honor level, big difference between that and saying noobish things should be made manifest.

even still, i don’t buy that flasks are disabled to help new players, not having 3% to a secondary stat isn’t going to help a new player defeat an experienced player.

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I said nothing about my Honor Level, bro.

I’m stating a fact… the decision was made, because of low Honor Levels (newer players) being at a disadvantage. Their lack of knowledge with maps, and class design is ruining Blitz.

And now… they’re removing items, because of them. Don’t be shocked if they come after queue synchers next… God forbid, you stomp low Honor Levels in Epic BGs. Boo-hoo.

Just admit it - I was right all along. Low Honor Levels are destroying PvP.

flasks aren’t allowed in blitz, and they already have a fix for rated pvp:

this is what they posted, they didn’t say anything about flasks in unrated, or it being to make it new player friendly, which makes no sense because new pvpers are already experienced wow players who already know about flasks.

if anything, this just seems like a bug and people are jumping on it to troll. the only joke here is thinking the gap between noob and bloodthirsty is only a flask.

Where exactly are you getting that from? I’m a relatively new/returning player. I haven’t played since TBC (I didn’t even have a fully leveled char in TBC), dipped a month subscription into BFA, and only started really playing the game in TWW season 1. I didn’t even know about flasks until I asked a friend why he was hitting harder than me despite us having similar gear, stats and spec. So no, not all new PvPers are seasoned min-maxers.

If flasks do come back, cool, I will use them too. Just means I can two-button delete ungeared players even faster. But let’s not pretend that makes the game more enjoyable for more people, that just widens the gap even more.

Honestly, the real joke is watching you take yourself as a “serious” PvPer while spending most of your time in “endgame sync queue premades farming pugs”, and after 11 seasons, still can’t push past 2.1 in rating. It makes sense how you need a flask to feel dominant.

while you were wasting your time with that post i won two bgs.

flasks have been a thing since vanilla, there is no excuse to not know about them after 20 years.


ya, this has to be a bug.

DF phials still work though.

And yet, somehow, still can’t push rating, despite your years of experience. Do you tilt often? Because you’re starting to sound like Deacon. Is that why you need flasks to cope?

I checked your PvP record just to gauge how seriously I should take your opinion, since I’m fairly new to the game, and surprise surprise, looks like you’re just a serial sync-queue pug stomper. Farming randoms isn’t a flex.

Again, gatekeeping newer players.

i mean, you claim to be so bad that blizzard needs to dumb the game down for you, what makes you think you can read an armory?

I said I was new. I picked up on flasks, learned fast, and hit Duelist in my first real PvP season. Meanwhile, you’ve got years under your belt and still can’t touch that.

So yeah, I think I’m more than capable of reading the armory and CheckPvP. The real question is, are you capable of understanding the game beyond premade farming and crutches?

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so then new players don’t need flasks removed? which is it

Like I said multiple times already, but you seem to have trouble comprehending it, there’s an information gap for new and casual players who don’t know about flasks (you deny that this group of people exist though, and say that they don’t belong in PvP anyways). I was one of them not long ago.

And if you actually played BGs without syncing premades, you’d see that the majority of players don’t run flasks. So this isn’t just about helping new players, it’s also about creating a fairer baseline for actual casual play.

Yeah, I ran flasks too, because I like pushing buttons and deleting people. Happy to admit it. I’m not hiding behind excuses like some others in this thread. I just enjoy deleting players plain and simple. But I also understand why that kind of edge needs to go when the majority isn’t using it.

If you want competitve, do rated. If you want to stomp people, do casual, it’s easy as that. Stop pretending that random battlegrounds is competitive.

Bro, chess is literally one of the most competitive games on this planet…

welcome to life?

i do run bgs without premades, and yes not everyone runs a flask, but a lot do. and just because you choose not to run a flask doesn’t mean you should also get to make that choice for me as well. thats like joining a marathon, not wearing running shoes, then complaining that everyone else has running shoes and its not fair, at a certain point you need to go fix your own problems and not blame the game or other people for your own bad choices.

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Sure, and in life, when there’s an imbalance, we improve systems to make them more fair and accessible. That’s how progress works. Acting like players should just “deal with it” ignores how games are designed, especially when the goal is player retention and pvp scene health. Not that you care, because you can’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag anyways with your record.

Running shoes are available to your average person, you learn about them and your parents buy them for you early on in life. Flasks, on the other hand, are not advertised or explained in any PvP context, and most players don’t even know that they should be using them unless someone tells them. If anything, it’s more like showing up to a marathon where few runners secretly have rocket-powered shoes.

Oh, I’m not blaming the game, I used flasks when they were available. I min-max now that I’m starting to actually know what’s going on. That’s not an issue.

What does needs fixing however, is your gameplay. Like figuring out how to stop dying while being pocket healed by multiple healers in a premade, or maybe learning how to PvP without tilting and raging at your healers over comms. Flasks can’t compensate for bad positioning and emotional instability. But hey, you do you.

Oh no, I’m not the one making the choice for you, Blizzard is. If that bothers you so much, maybe take a stand and boycott the game. Pack it up, log out, and come back when flasks are allowed again.

Cya bud.

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you seem to be under some impression that everyone who came before you was just born with knowledge of how to pvp and that we locked it all away and hid it from you.

Not at all. I fully understand that no one’s born knowing how to play this game and to PvP, that is exactly why I’m pointing out how unwelcoming and inaccessible some of these information is for new and casual players.

The difference is, instead of gatekeeping or mocking people for not knowing something, I’m in favor of systems that reduces the gap, so that more people can learn and get into PvP without getting steamrolled too much for not reading third-party guides or having a friend to hold their hand.

If you really cared about PvP, you’d want more players sticking around, not fewer. But of course, you’d rather farm newbies and casuals, stay out of rated, and then tell these newbies and casuals “welcome to life” after stomping them.

Says a lot about who you are, and honestly, your reputation within even the sync-queue community speaks for itself.

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if it wasn’t a problem for all who came before, why is it a problem for you?