Flasks falling off in Battlegrounds

Did they stop the use of flasks in battlegrounds? I was running a Flask of Alchemical Chaos, entered a BG, it fell off and the potion itself was blackened and said I couldn’t use it in a battleground. Is this new or has others had issues?


Looks like it’s just some. I have my eye of the storm flask on right now but my friend is complaining his is greyed out. Is it just the newer ones?

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Having the same issue. Ive tried Mastery, Vers, Haste flasks… all no go’s.

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Neither can I, looks like flasks are now unusable in bgs. It’s a good change though, I’ve always felt way too overpowered when I take a vers flask into random bgs.

no, I completely disagree, its not rated the use of anything should be viable in random bg’s… its where u learn what works and what doesn’t.


Well sure, I get that, but you also have to consider the experience for the casual and newer players. If someone’s queuing into a random BG only to get steamrolled by players running full flasks and food buffs, that’s not exactly a great first impression. A lot of these people might just not touch PvP again.

Random BGs should be more about accessibility than optimization, otherwise it just turns into a mini-rated experience without the rating. There’s plenty of room for experimentation without needing to outbuff people.


I understand your point , but this is an arena that people can enjoy without having to play rated, i get it might be a steep learning curve for some new players,…if there is such a thing anymore, but it will get them up to speed faster if the learn what is possible and what is not. and so now its only pve that gets to use flasks…a big mistake imho.

and fyi, Vicious flask of the wrecking ball is still viable in non rated, go figure

Rated is a fairer experience specifically because everyone plays under the same rules, no flasks, no food buffs.

Before the change, it was unfair when one team had players using flasks and the other didn’t. Even if it’s not super common, the few people who did use them had a noticeable advantage, especially in more unbalanced matches.

I haven’t seen flasks being widely used in random BGs, so I doubt this change affects a large number of players. But the few who did use them had the potential to make the experience worse for a lot of others.

Removing them just evens the playing field a bit more, which is a good thing in a casual mode like this.

FYI, if you like stomping people in PvP, you can always take your flasks and buffs and go to a FFA WPvP zone, plenty of people to stomp, or join an Epic BG premade community, they stomp pugs daily.

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I just don’t agree. again i go back to my point, people should be able to use what is available, regular bgs are not balanced in any way, gear, skill etc. its a learning stage. and should be treated as such.


This is the exact problem they are trying to tackle by taking away the usage of flasks in regular bgs.

You don’t really get to learn in an unbalanced environment.

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why is it a “problem”? it never has been balanced and never will be. removing flasks will not make any difference. and I know that first hand, that you absolutely do learn in an unbalanced environment, why do you think people try harder faced with better or tougher opponents, and i’m talking about all walks of life or sport in general, so I dispute that claim completely

I’m glad if flasks can’t be used in BGs anymore. An unlisted hotfix should be fine with the usuals.

So it won’t make any difference. Then there’s no need for angst over it.

I appreciate you sharing your experience, but it’s your own experience and doesn’t apply to everyone.

This is a game, and most people play games to enjoy themselves. Sure, some players thrive in unbalanced environments and use that challenge to grow. But let’s be real, do you think this is the majority of the playerbase?

Random battlegrounds are meant to be a casual entry point, and for many players dipping their toes into PvP for the first time, getting steamrolled by flasked-up min-maxers isn’t a learning experience. It’s just frustration. They’re not going to think “oh cool, this is how I get better”, they’re going to think “well that sucked” and not queue again.

WoW isn’t a Souls-like. The majority of the playerbase is casual, and if we want PvP to stay healthy, we should want those casual players to stick around too.

You should use this as a learning experience too, without flasks as a crutch, try perform like you used to.


This same thing happened twice in Dragonflight at various stages and then came good eventually. Might just be a temporary bug. For now just use Vicious Flasks.

So long as vicious flasks always work then it’s whatever to me.

Hi. What a sudden surprise change that all the flasks of versatility and haste I had made were now useless (I do 98% PvP) in bgs! For such an impactful huge decision, I didn’t see any announcement or mention in the latest update notes. (Maybe I missed it?) Not good for alchemists either, since the leveling up of alchemy takes MUCH longer than previously, and now, at the point where selling the flasks could be profitable, these new bg nerfs of flasks make selling them relatively useless. At any rate, I just wanted to register my strong disagreement with nerfing these stat buffer flasks in bgs. Here are some points for consideration: 1) They’ve ALREADY taken out some primary stat flasks that were available in Dragonflight - eg. Intellect. These new nerfs are to 2ndary stat flasks 2) As understandable as the arguments to not make it “unfair” to newer players are, the point doesn’t really hold up. The entire GAME, PvE and PvP, is based on leveling up - getting better and stronger. Eliminate bg flasks, some players are STILL going to be behind in gear. A variety of ways to improve is GOOD for the game. 3) Suddenly alienating players who have designed their gameplay with the help of flasks is an odd dev decision, especially if there is no explanation (again, perhaps I missed the explanation). Thx, Skyclear


Same. Unable to use Flasks in random BGs.

I am all for using flasks in random battlegrounds. They are a part of the game. They are available to everyone. I don’t understand the excuse of “casual” pvp. It’s pvp for pete’s sake. We are supposed to kill each other while doing objectives. Pvp is literally meant for people who are somewhat competative and want to try their character vs other people. If you want casual, go play chess. If you want to pvp, run flasks or any other advantage you can muster. And if you are super serious, go play rated.