Flask Bans

Now im not here posting and crying about people getting banned for rule breaking ect

however I do feel that the ban for the flask manipulation is much to severe for anyone to agree with, the fact that there is a vast difference between people having a 1 day ban all the way up to a 182 day ban is just ludacris

and before you go on about “oh they probably have priors” I know of a few people not even in my guild with 15 Year old accounts with no previous ban history being banned for 182 days for this bug abuse.

Now im not saying that the ban is uncalled for however I do feel the punishment doesn’t exactly fit the crime, considering we are being overran by bots and gold farmers on most realms that generated thousands of gold a DAY and that people can buy stupid amounts of gold and only receive at most a 7 day ban and the gold removed, do people not feel that this ban that probably generated at most 20k gold on some realms a bit over the top?

I mean i do feel like maybe a review of the current bans should be taken a look at and just a straight 1-2 day ban and erase all gold created would be the more suited punishment, I mean look at all the people affected by this bug that got through the PTR.

anyway i welcome any troll that feels the need to post saying silly things deserve silly prizes ect but im sure if you were one of those in this situation you wouldn’t be saying that.


If the ban feels to high the fourms is not the place to question it the appeal system is.

The bans you are talking about thou are not to harsh thou. It was a rather clear bug that was quite clear that it was not intended with rather clear text showing it’s meant to take 10 apex. They picked to abuse it and got banned for a time. Those getting 24 hour and 3 day bans should feel lucky it used to be that 1 month bans was the min for expoilts and esp for clear expoilts like this that can be more game breaking than even botting should start at 1 month if not longer. I know at least one person that managed to get 18k from the bug thou he got a perm account closer that he now is appealing. So no it was not at most 20k on some realms it was almost 20k on single players furthermore accross realms. Furthermore in only 2 hours. 10k an hour on a single player with multi players doing it is not a small amount of gold it’s in fact a level that goes WAY beyond the level of gold even botters abs gold farmers can produce per hour.

It making it by the ptr dosent mean it is a free pass to expoilt esp as some people knew it was there on the ptr dint report and planned to use come live eg the person I referenced above. Those that got 180 day bans did not just buy one flask and dint abuse if they got that level of ban they abused. If they dint they need to appeal themselves as only they got the whole story and if they truly had no past cases and only bought one by accident vary likly to be reduced. If they did abuse and they likly did 180 days is not a unreasonable punishment for clear expoiltation.


I’ve been reading some people saying they used macros to sit there and buy enough flasks to vendor for over 6,000 gold.

Tell your guildies that there’s a difference between abusing an exploit for a little laugh and literally trying to permanently destroy the game economy.




Bug exploit ingame? 2 month ban!

Buying gold? Holy crap this guy has money, give him a 3 day suspension, we’ll need him for later.


Not really super comparable. Buying gold ban time dose go up with history but the main punishment is the loss of the gold vs the ban. In this case there is no loss of real world money save for the lost sub time via the ban itself. As such a longer ban period is expected for the same level of crime.

While many people did only get 24 hour bans so less than gold buying to boot. Those getting longer bans either clearly abused it or had history to justify longer bans if not they should be appealing via the appeal process not the fourms.

Anyone with half a brain knew not to mess with those flasks and that bans would be inbound.

The bug was like an IQ test. An IQ test that some people failed.

They shouldn’t be mad about the bans, but rather view them as an opportunity for self improvement. They should take this time to reflect on how really stupid they are, and maybe do something about it like learn to read or tie their own shoes.


The absolute minimum should be a week, 2 days is far too lenient.



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All you have to do is type /who slave pens

Why not ban all those players blatantly botting?
If they’re taking a stance on this and banning legit players which is what the game really needs, yes they’re in the wrong buy 6months is still far too much.

I wonder what all these “legitimate” players are doing right now


this man knows

Jokes on them, they could have farmed that gold in less than 6 months. Hope they enjoy their vacation :slight_smile:

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Too lazy to even come up with names, look at those head keyboard names

Okay listen to my opinion. Something was broken in game people took advantage of it and got banned for it.

If they didn’t want to get banned they should have used common sense and not did it. I dont really care if it is 1 day or 6 months.

They got what they deserved because they cheated.

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Imagine crying about getting punished for exploiting


Reap what you sow. If you know something shouldn’t be, don’t tempt it.


Where are people saying this? On Reddit?

Why do people boast about an exploit as they exploit? People used to get their hands caught in the cookie jar, but now it’s like, “Hey, Daddy! My hand is in the cookie jar! Look!”

Has this even been fixed yet?

My daughter told me last night that there is a new trend going around where kids will film themselves either stealing or destroying something at school and post it on tik tok hoping for “likes”. Apparently some kid stole a faucet out of the science lab…

We did some stupid stuff as kids, but I can’t wrap my head around this mindset. When we did stupid stuff, we did everything we could to NOT get caught.


They do actively ban botters in fact you see bot ban waves quite often. Those people you see are constantly 62-69 like in your screen for exactly that reason there constantly getting banned and replaced with new accounts. Massive diff than not banning them. One is they are being banned but since the software is not being prevented from working they are replaced. The other is no action being taken. Bizzard dose ban wave also not daily bans just like we seen in this case this makes it more likely to give players time without bots and allows them to have more data to stop the programs for a time when they do said waves. This wave just comes quicker as there is no further data to collect and a swift wave prevents damage to the community unlike botting where a wave with enough data to shut down the program for a time prevents more damage to community than swift bans. Problem is its near impossible to prevent botting programs as they get more and more complex all the time to deal with any measures blizzard puts in place to stop them. This is the war against botting game company’s are constantly facing in mmos. The best ways to “stop” bots find so far also ruin the game for players also so there is a further balance of where do you not ruin your players experience to prevent bots.

You really should look into why botting is still a problem not claim no action is being taken to claim your allowed to cheat before you do. As you would find your underlieing assumption 100% false. As such have no grounds to stand on.

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They used to have a great system in-place… they were called GMs

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