Flashback with Raszageth visage form?

Look, it’s not that important, but we never got to see what Raszageth’s visage form looks like, and I was wondering if we could get some added lore fluff with some kind of flashback where we finally get to see her in all her visage glory.

If not, that’s cool too, I’ve been enjoying seeing all the fan art people have made of her possible visage form, too.


Picture a drust hag with a good figure


Raz is a bloated basement dwelling incel with Cheetos crumbs all over the face/fingers wearing a Trump/Kennedy ‘25 hat.


RIP to the people who thought she’d be a hot elf :pensive:

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Why do the primalist dragons even have visage forms, visage forms are for communicating with the humanoid races and is a post-titan tradition right? I’d think they’d think it’s abhorrent but there’s probably something I don’t know about, some kind of justification so we can see more sexy dragon humanoids

Probably to be able to recruit more people to the primalist cause, they do have followers and stuff, and they definitely did not recruit them by just being huge dragons unable to fit into buildings and stuff

Also they wouldn’t have been able to fit into the door of the new underground zone in the new cinematic if they didn’t have visages


Yes, please! These Primalist visage forms are of a very high caliber!!

It’s easier to meddle in the affairs of mortal/lesser races if you appear on their level, as a friend, a leader, etc… in disguise (i.e. visage form)

Lot more difficult to pull that off as a big dragon. Then you get viewed as a threat that needs to be killed.

Example: Lady Katrana Prestor

Things were going just peachy for her until she got outed and revealed to be the dragon Onyxia. She was then promptly hunted down to her lair and killed.

Raz’s visage form looks like a Kul Tiras man

They need to meet the macrophile crowd then, that description alone would make me want to join them in whatever they are doing, no questions asked.

It would be cool but not really needed unless it tells an important story. I think we should get one though!

Because they have tiny protodrake arms, if they need to pick stuff up BAM visage form, pick thing up and then fly off in protodrake form.

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I just picture something dwarf like since she’s just small and angry


The Incarnates using Visages at all is weird; their hatred for the Titans and everything relating to them yet they take the forms of mortal-looking creatures, of which are primarily descendants of the Titans’ creations.


That was the first thing I was wondering… Does Raz even have a visage form? Have the others used theirs and I missed it?

watch the Secrets of the Reach trailer on youtube

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Maybe with the infinite dragonflight probably can bring her back in an alternate timeline or something.

What if the reason the others have visage forms is while asleep they were in the shadow lands and that’s why thier visages look like knock offs from sl?

Like so asleep they were dead kind of thing and raz where she was kept diff didn’t go there.

Ha! Thank you. I’ve been out of state for a few weeks and missed hearing about that. :slight_smile:

Iridikron and Vyranoth are implied(by Alexstrasza for Iridikron and by N’Zoth in the Uu’nat Raid and Thaldraszus Questline for Vyranoth) to be Void Corrupted so they wouldn’t care for the propaganda they are peddling and would talk Fyrakk into taking a Visage Form himself. Fun thing to note: Fyrakk’s Visage Form looks more Dragon than the other 2 Primal Incarnates’ Visage Form.

Raszageth probably doesn’t have a Visage Form and was oblivious to Iridikron and especially Vyranoth’s corruption.