Flagging Posts = Power Trip

They should bring back the downvote button, only with no associated penalties aside from seeing how many people disagree with a post. Flagging should remain a separate function with a more clarified set of circumstances to define it.


Knew the OP would be flagged before I opened the thread. Stay golden GD.

Sad thing is the fix would be too easy, just count every character under one account. One flag per account, one like per account, punishments are account wide.

Easy living then.

The irony isn’t lost on me. Well played.

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Funny thing is, is it’s the flagged posts I remember most because I have to go out of my way to read them.

Seems counterproductive for mass flaggers huh?

Advertising is against the ToS…
I flag them.
Repetition of the same post or making another post to comment on another post is spam…
Talking about bans or other stuff about your actions in game you got caught doing is also against ToS.

Name one topic that hasn’t been mentioned in a previous post. There aren’t any.
If you want to flag something, there will always be an excuse. There will always be someone who takes offense, even talking about babies and kittens.

I was just discussing the topic and the ill-intent of some engaging in it. If you don’t want to take part in the conversation, no one is forcing you to. If you feel the compulsive need to interdict others engaging with one another, that’s a you problem. Move along and karen some other post.

I can’t flag the post. I feel powerless.

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Okay… Hmmm

Why does wow.exe start another program after you log into a Realm?

If that is answered anywhere on this forum. I promise I will never flag another post.

Serial flagger learns how to use a search bar.
Thanks for your input.

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every time i see a flagged post it makes me want to read it even more…you know kids are intrigued when mommy says “dont look at that scary man, the kids really want to look then!”

if you flag a post unless its something truly disgusting , you are a sad karen

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Because people surround themselves with echo chambers on social media these days they start to believe that any opinion they dont agree with is somebody trolling or being immoral in some way.

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