Flagging Posts = Power Trip

I clicked on this thread and saw it was immediately flagged and laughed so hard. Good times

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It seems to trigger snowflakes like you soooo…worth it.

Blame the parent for leaving the lighter out where the kid could get it and burn the house down.

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I have a theory that so many posts get the real life threat tag because players probably think it will get a mod’s attention more quickly than say… Spam. Cause if someone is threatening, that should be dealt with as quickly as they can.

But it’s just a theory.

I like how every single thread I open calling people out for flagging is flagged before I can read it.

Imagine my disappointment when the post is already flagged and I can’t be the one to contribute!

Yeah it is the opposite affect for me, makes me want to read it more.


Well if you set yourself up to be a Flag magnet , what do you expect ?

And which generation gave their kids participation trophies? :thinking:

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Neither Asterix nor Obelix would want their mustaches sheared thank you very much.


I laughed hard randomly

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I don’t think there’s a flagged post I didn’t click to read more if I see it

His original post, lol.

They need to bring back the dislike button. It might hurt some snowflake’s feelings, but it would free up some of the resources Blizz needs to use to review flagged posts.


This is quite doubtful. They do use it as a disagree button, which is an issue.

If it is against the rules, it should be flagged. If they do it to disagree, then action should be taken against them for false flags.

You may click to show hidden content. As I have done. It is not difficult.

Ohhh yea!!! (Goes to spend some quality time in the restroom)

Joking aside I almost always click to see what the post says

Have to get use to it. There’s 3 users that I know of that purposely go around & flag posts. They don’t post much themselves, but feel the need to be annoying. Seems like every week I have a post flagged that’ll get restored by a mod. Sucks that these people aren’t getting perma banned because getting a post restored means it was a false flag which is against the rules.

Post restored doesn’t automatically mean the reports were false.

Blizz has very vague rules (because if they were very specific, players would just skirt as much as they could and argue when they did get a vacation or something). What is inappropriate to you may not be inappropriate to me. So you report it and the mod (if they even look) decides whether or not it is actionable.

Look around at how many posts have implied cursing via masked language, as an example. That technically breaks the CoC, but it’s pretty much in every single thread at some point. Players dont report all of it though (at least not enough to bury it, since we dont know how many reports a post actually gets).

How about replying and simply saying, I dislike this posts, or better yet, explain their displeasure.

This whole process is passive aggressive. Force hiding someone’s post to impede third parties from accessing it doesn’t make any sense.

If I have an issue with someone, I try to keep it between the two of us, not export the problem to others.


I almost spit tea at my laptop.

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