Flagging Posts = Power Trip

Players are getting some power trip or something by flagging posts that don’t have anything controversial about them. They get a rush when they trigger others not being able to see posts or burying them. If they do have an issue with the post, they’ve already read it. They should just move on. To force the post to be hidden for others is just plain narcisism. They have power to deny others things. That’s their kick.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Some people are just overly sensitive and want to let others know how they feel. They flag the post, Blizz assesses it, unflags it, and we move on.

They should probably provide participation trophies to them…


Some people are just overly sensitive and want to let others know how they feel. So they start flamebait posts on the forum that are immediately flagged. They move on to start other flamebait posts on the forum, claiming that their flamebait posts are special and have socially redeeming value.


Well, that’s what happens when you have a whole generation that’s told that they’re “special” and can have anything they want with zero effort…


You realize that a buried post doesn’t do anything, yeah? People can still read it.

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You mean a generation that was trained to judge people on how hard they work and how little others deserve because everybody in the world is lazy but you?

How dare people not have started to play the game a decade before they heard of it! How dare they play videogames for fun rather than to prove they’re better than everybody who doesn’t play wow???

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Had that happen to me a couple of days ago. Some one or more peoples flagged a comment of mine which was about as innocuous as this forum gets; I mean, I’m not in the habit of being any of the things you can be banned for. The flag was lifted in time but it reminded me that there are folks here who seem to feel that disagreement is a perfectly valid reason to flag.


Yeah, so why have it buried? It’s just meddling with people. If a post is not to one’s taste, move on. They sheer gaul of impeding others from seeing it is staggering. I don’t like the system at all.

The old system allowed for a silent tag to notify moderators. That should be enough. That’s not enough for these people apparently. They need to see results and now! The fake outrage is so transparent.

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This is why I say that remote controls and microwave ovens have ruined society. The need for immediate gratification has made people impatient and stupid…

From a Blizz/big picture perspective? The idea behind burying posts is if something really bad and disgusting gets posted by a troll, it can -sort of- keep it out of sight until a mod gets to it. That was the explanation we were given back when downvotes did it, if I’m not mistaken.

Is it effective? No

Because it’s not really effective, why does it matter so much to you?

Side note: not too long ago, it was much more powerful. Enough flags in a thread would actually auto lock it, and mods wouldnt even deal with them a lot of the time. Again, great in theory if someone goes on a racist/sexist/hate speech/threatening rant. Not so much when it’s just a topic that annoys people. So just be glad that isnt a thing anymore, and use the button to remove the buried status to read the post if you really need to see it.

if that were true I wouldn’t be able to see your post

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You couldn’t until you clicked to unhide it. That’s the point.

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What they should be doing is revoking their flagging option if that’s all they do like doing to OP’s post. Sure some threads deserve it but some do not.

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Is it just me or do flagged posts actually make you want to read it and see why it’s flagged?

You can still see and read the post. I don’t think you understand how these forums work.

Either way, people who get mad about their terrible post/ideas getting buried need to get over it.

I know I do.


and every time, i’m left wondering … why?

what is wrong in a persons life, that they feel the need to waste the time of employees who have to remove all of their bogus flags?

people who want to scream “real life threat” over someone asking for 2 pixels to have their colors swapped, need to have their ability to flag removed.

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:man_shrugging: All flags are within the rules


Some people strongly dislike certain posts and wish to express their displeasure. Blizzard took away the dislike button. So now people use the flag feature to express those feelings.

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