Flagging is the new downvote

Oh I understand now. Yeah, you’re right. It is funny seeing people get what’s coming to them.

If that is what is going on, then this system definitely has some major flaws. At a minimum, you should only be able to flag on one character, not log on each and do it multiple times.


I already knew it was going to be a nightmare since it’s the same board format the Overwatch board uses. Except the OW community has 100 times more carebears so its insanely worse.

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What should be coming to you is a butt-butt spank. One so intense it turns that bottom of yours red as that Horde background you’re posing in front of.

Be lucky I just did my nails or you woulda gotten that spankin’. :slight_smile:


Oh, it’s definitely inappropriate. But it a real life threat? No. And it was flagged before as a real life threat and I got suspended from the forums over it.

Did the authorities (e.g. police) contact you? Probably not. They probably didn’t see it as actual threats.

Sometimes the ban reason doesn’t match up with what you actually did. One time I got banned for “spamming” and I spammed nothing. Appealing it, I asked the GM about it and they said something along the lines of, “I would not have cited you for spamming”

Then again, I have been hit with “racial hatred” just because I suggested I was good at making music.


Go on… :relaxed:


You’re a bad little toon, aren’t you?


Downvoting was probably removed because of the new Trust level functionality. It would be pretty annoying to lose trust level just because you said something unpopular.

2 months ago, this got me forum silenced for 2 hours until I challenged it and it was deemed a gray area. Flagging shouldn’t even exist and honestly, it’s worse than the down vote system in my opinion.

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Those abusing flagging will get their dues in time. With that said, with a few exceptions, most of the posts that I have seen that have been hidden by mass flagging have been posts deserving of being flagged and not flagging being abused.

Edit: Mental slip up, sorry it’s still early and I’ve yet to have my tea. Meant to say Flagging not Down Voting. Even yall have got me saying it wrong.


How exactly do they need to grow up? They pointed out that having names like OP had is asking for trouble, which is true.

Do you and those liking your comment seriously not comprehend this.


I am! I am! I am a Horde loving, Sylvanas supporting, tree burner! Punish meee! :kissing_closed_eyes:


Humans are involved in a ban. The spoiler-tag thing is automatic yes, but suspensions are done by a human.

Thanks for playing around and having a bit of fun posting silliness w/ me!

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Well your first post was flagged as well so you might be getting another vacation for having hilarious names :frowning:

I’d feel more sympathy for him if he didn’t bring up his edgy names in multiple threads.


Make it so that every time you flag some one, you HAVE to fill out a survey. :japanese_ogre:


How they released the new forums without having things like flagging and likes be account-wide is beyond me. The degree to which the automated moderation is affecting the flow of conversation is just stupid. It is possible for one person alone to highlight someone’s post for moderation, and even easier if you have a couple trolls that follow each other around.

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Who’s playing? Eyebrow wiggle :wink:

“That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always thinking about the luls.”

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