Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

I only flag posts that include racism, misogyny, violence or straight-up hate. I encounter so many of these that I often get to the point where the forum system doesn’t allow me to keep flagging. Blizzard doesn’t care about the content of these forums and they are not interested in having the community self-police. You are a head of cattle.

I do miss the days when moderators and CMs were around here more. Of course, I come from a time when moderators were volunteers and got paid in free games. lol

Mr. Nobully plz, you and I both know Blizz could modify that software.

They did change it. Discourse default wording doesn’t have our CoC in it or the inappropriate name, which was actually added later.

Honestly, they should just add back in the “dislike” option but without it being able to “bury” a post for getting too many. I mean if you get a ton of “likes” it doesn’t bump your post up.

they can change it… which is why we’re asking them to.

Yeah, I updated the OP a bit in hopes we can focus on how to make changes instead of “let’s be mad at the lecture” part at the beginning.

That’s not actually true. You can “flag” things that upset you. When someone flags your post the Mods will respond that it is trolling or “upsetting” or some similar language. (don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just telling you how they see it at their end)


We know how they see it. The problem is that things should only be reported that are serious and not because someone was annoyed by it.

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You can flag trolls, which is a huge percentage of posts. So there are a lot of eligible posts to flag depending on what you see as trolling.

Things are reported and then it’s the mods who determine whether it’s serious or not. There is no prompt, nor should there be, that asks “Is this serious?”

Disagreeing with someone or not liking what someone says isn’t trolling, though. And there are a lot of times that people will use the flag function because of that. Which has become a large issue recently for many threads.

but what percentage of flag posts aren’t trolls in some respect? IT’s a small percentage.

Your opinion is just that: an opinion. We don’t have statistics like what you’re implying.

I rarely flag posts here. I think I’ve only flagged a handful of them since my arrival to the forums, and I’ve seen them removed. I think re-implicating the upvote and downvote button could fix the issue?

99% of the people that post on this sight are tools of Blizzard that can’t stand to see anything criticizing their precious forum hosts. Maybe if they spent more time playing the game and less time attacking those with ideas not their own, then this forum would be a better place.

I can pretty much guarantee you that’s not the case. lol

This forum is mostly people upset with the state of the game and all sorts of stuff gets flagged— including a thread where a guy asked a question about the game. That’s it. No opinion. Nothing. Just a simple question about the game. No foul language, no attitude, nada. Flagged into oblivion.

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We have eyes. Look at the flag posts. Most of them are trolling in some respect or could be interpreted as such depending on how you read them. Even a post that says “eliminate flying” would probably be interpreted as trolling by lots of people even if the OP just really hates flying.

Isn’t that kind of the problem though? For the sake of discussion, at least, don’t people’s interpretations often change and there shouldn’t be a disciplinary option that can be used just based on interpretation?

In my experience, some posters will go out of their way to try and find a way someone was trolling — digging really deep, because that person wasn’t intending to troll — and they got flagged.

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Thanks for proving my point!