Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

Miss this is a taco bell.

And that is how flagging is supposed to work, and has obviously not achieved its aim. In the past the way it worked was that anyone who found a post or comment objectionable would manually input a report on that and the post/comment would be investigated. It wasn’t ‘flagged’ (ie turned partially invisible) it was simply edited or removed as appropriate.

This is distinct from the up/downvote system.

I believe the old system is better because it takes more work on the part of the person making the report and so is less likely to be a ‘tick a box’ instant impulse, and the post or comment would not disappear until it was acted on.

The other alternative is that when a person does put in a report, the post or comment is muted so they cannot see it again. Just them - not anyone else. So if, say 20 people report it, those 20 people would have it removed from their world view while everyone else could just either ignore it or move on.

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I do miss the ability to put in a note. Sometimes something is just off topic and needs to go to the off topic section.

Most times the options there are wide enough to cover most stuff.

Would be nice to have an auto mute added to it as well I think. Sadly, their system has never been perfect and never will be perfect.

Spam is still spam. Glad to see you have trained people to be able to identify spam. Blizzard doesn’t say you are allowed to create duplicate threads once a year, they say you aren’t allowed period.

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I never flag anyone. I ain’t no snitch!

id like a downvote button return.

It’s fairly obvious based on the choices available when using the flag button that it’s intended as a report function rather than a dislike function. It’s not intended as a dislike button - Nothing is intended as a dislike button right now, which is why the flag button is being abused to substitute for a dislike button. People don’t have the option to show their dislike of a post the way people that hit the still-remaining like button to show support for a post do, not anymore.

That’s what a like/dislike system should be. It doesn’t need to be anything other than a gauge of support for a post in a community forum. Blizzard removed the option for the forum community to express their dislike for a post or thread, while retaining the option for the community to express their approval only.

It was an option that didn’t need to be removed. Taking away the option to do something that someone really, really wants to do doesn’t prevent them from doing it. It just makes them find a new way to achieve the same effect they’re looking for. That’s exactly what’s happened with the flag button.

They should have kept the downvote button, people wouldn’t have to resort to flagging posts that were better written in someones diary.

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I knew it’d be flagged before I clicked… Why would you challenge an angry/reactionary mob and expect good results?

While OP’s PSA was not warranted or needed, and it’s obviously far too preachy, it shouldn’t have been flagged. :man_shrugging:

I just wonder if the flag option actually is being used as a downvote. Maybe players always reported stuff as much as they do now, but only Blizz knew that because there was no bury mechanic with it (which funnily enough used to be tied to downvotes). Maybe they report because we know it can bury a post.

I think if someone flags something… They dont care about support or not supporting or likes or dislikes. They want Blizz to do something about the post. Even if its petty or small.

I think it definitely is being used as a downvote. There are posts where there’s nothing explicitly wrong with the post, but it gets flagged and hidden. It’s why people on the forums have managed to successfully get their posts unflagged - They appeal to Blizzard, an actual person looks at the post instead of an algorithm, and recognize that there’s nothing actually wrong with the post.

Look at this very thread. The OP’s post got flagged and hidden very, very quickly, but there’s nothing actually wrong with what they posted.

It is without a doubt. How often this happens is up for debate, but it does happen. Now, is it a flawed system and do we need an upvote/downvote? No not exactly, because the upvote/flag actually fulfills that function. There’s a passive threshold, and if a post gets more upvotes than flags, the post won’t be flagged. OP simply didn’t get enough upvotes (likes?) to trigger this.

Players always reported things. I seem to recall it would actually show the number of reports a post had. I used to get in hot topic threads post after post after post to be buried because people were reporting them.

How would you know this.

You can find this out empirically. Also, I’ve simply been around for a long time.

I think it’s 100% safe to say that this post wasn’t flagged as a downvote but to straight up troll the OP. OP was more or less asking for it (regardless of whether it was right or wrong to flag this post)

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Pretty much this.

If I make a post lecturing people, and then tell people that they shouldn’t flag… what’s realistically going to happen?

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You could only find this out if you used your alts to give yourself likes. I have been around a long time as well.

I don’t post on my alts, and I don’t have enough likes for that to have reasonably happened.

The post about flagging isn’t a downvote got flagged.

Can you smell the irony

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It is pretty much spam though since they have created multiple of these threads.

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