for example, I’m playing my shaman.
I play both PVE and PVP.
I NEED to be Necrolord for PVP, if I want to play Elemental/Resto. Otherwise the class is totally crippled in the arena.
If I’d like to do PVE, Night Fae is pretty much the ONLY option.
Today’s Mythic raid, there are 2 Enh shamans, with pretty much identical gear & stats.
He’s NF, and I’m Venth. I end up doing 70% of his dmg, with more uptime, and more casts of every single major ability. (Stormstrike, Lava lash, AND elemental blast)
It’s just ridiculous.
For example, this Mythic Eye fight, we had 2 Enh shamans in grp, both with 245 ilvl, similar stats, I even had a better 252 Main hand. he had 20% crit, 40%mastery, I had 16%crit, 47%mastery, we both have 30% haste. not a huge stat diff, right?
For the entire duration of the fight,
He’s at 93% parse, I’m at 42% parse.
Here’s the logs, I actually casted MORE elemental blast/storm strike, AND lava lash. (I daresay I’ve got better uptime on boss)
It’s just due to the fact I’m not NF, I don’t have the mastery soulbind, so my average cast hits for 20% less than his on average.
Any suggestion on how to improve my gameplay???