Fixed Covenant has gotta be the worst design EVER

for example, I’m playing my shaman.
I play both PVE and PVP.

I NEED to be Necrolord for PVP, if I want to play Elemental/Resto. Otherwise the class is totally crippled in the arena.

If I’d like to do PVE, Night Fae is pretty much the ONLY option.

Today’s Mythic raid, there are 2 Enh shamans, with pretty much identical gear & stats.
He’s NF, and I’m Venth. I end up doing 70% of his dmg, with more uptime, and more casts of every single major ability. (Stormstrike, Lava lash, AND elemental blast)

It’s just ridiculous.

For example, this Mythic Eye fight, we had 2 Enh shamans in grp, both with 245 ilvl, similar stats, I even had a better 252 Main hand. he had 20% crit, 40%mastery, I had 16%crit, 47%mastery, we both have 30% haste. not a huge stat diff, right?

For the entire duration of the fight,
He’s at 93% parse, I’m at 42% parse.
Here’s the logs, I actually casted MORE elemental blast/storm strike, AND lava lash. (I daresay I’ve got better uptime on boss)
It’s just due to the fact I’m not NF, I don’t have the mastery soulbind, so my average cast hits for 20% less than his on average.
Any suggestion on how to improve my gameplay???


did the boss die?

then you didnt NEED to be fae.


It wouldn’t be as bad if the developers would’ve committed to it instead of knee-jerking an alternative the very next patch.

But the other problem is that specialization swapping has completely gutted this game of difficulty and challenge. It is the ultimate borrowed power.

I just can’t get past choosing based on aesthetics, so the fact I could be really bad just because of the mogs and mounts I picked feels pretty bad. Lucky for me I don’t push hard content so if the boss dies no one is going back and analyzing it statistically.

I do feel bad for those who just want the most out of their character though. In particular having a different bis for pve/pvp etc is just bad design.

Cause I don’t mind that my paladin likes kyrian, it just makes sense. Imagine if it was the worst choice though. Would feel overwhelmingly bad.

Edit: tired and overuse of the word bad.

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that’s not the point, bro. He’s basically saying why would he willingly take +3 broadsword when you can take a +5 broadsword instead, but you can’t because “muh two year choice matters.” Borrowed power needs to die.


It’s even more insane in alot of classes like the hunter los ignore that sucks in pve but can be insane in pvp. Alot of people oversimplified the “don’t worry about the 2% dps unless ur a top 1%er” It’s more like have fun not blowing that dude up behind a pillar and outright winning the game because that talent does not boost pve dps but wins games in pvp.

I just find it humorous that an elite player throws a tantrum about the one thing in this expansion that doesn’t cater to them.


Why do people assume I’m an elite player. What does being an elite player have to do with quality of life in the game. What? Also, hindering your group because of Blizzard’s balancing isn’t any player’s fault.


i think it’s fine.

i think more of it it’s needed to snap the playerbase out of spreadsheet minmax ai optimization and back into playing the game.

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Okay, so you choose to play bad is what you’re implying? You can still pull high numbers, and have fun playing your class. What’s not fun is being mechanically better skilled than the player beside you, and RNG takes it course and decides to let it dictate your damage. I’m not talking RNG from procs either. I’m talking Blizzard coming in to nerf your covenant or buff covenants.

If you think RNG is a fun gameplay mechanic, I suggest playing gacha games, bro. What OP is trying to say is that he knows from data that he is playing better than somebody else, but because of his choice probably because he thought it was the funner choice, mind you, that he’s behind this other player who doesn’t have the same amount of skill as the OP, and that just sounds absolutely dumb to me.


What if its needed to have fun? Its not a fun system to have time gates in front of talent trees.

Not a talent tree, so guess it’s not a problem.

Oh really? Because my mage only plays arcane because the other two trees aren’t worth it due to being kyrian. I have similar issues on my shaman and paladin.

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Just play 3 different characters if you switch specs that often. I think the original version of spec switching was right. It should come with a penalty like it did in the old days. Switching on the fly is good for the individual but not for the large picture. It’s better just to invite someone who actually plays that role, instead of someone swapping to it.

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absolutely the worst answer you could give… it’s like buying a cold burger and saying : did it fill you ? then you didn’t need it hot.


I don’t know how to say this without coming off as rude, but out of curiosity I looked at your damage logs, and they’re quite low for Mythic. They’re almost all green (25% percentile)…

It’s not the covenant here that’s the problem.


Wow that sounds like a you problem. I disagree unilaterally with your favoring outdated gameplay and would add that it was still easier to swap specs back then because all you needed was gold instead of a weekly quest. I play this game to try out builds that are unique to the patch, and this system is worse then any that has come before.

I’m not making a arcane mage(kyrian) and a frost mage(venthyr) and a fire mage(nightfae) when I should just have a mage. Especially not when I have to do the covenant campaign again, and don’t even get me started on the rep grinds and domination shard farming catch up.


More of a issue with changing balance too much then it is with the system itself. People should be comfortable each expansion saying. This will be my spec, and be able to stick with it without fear of massive nerfs, or huge buffs on other specs to make you feel like you chose the wrong spec. If unable to do that, then you are correct the ability to switch needs to be easier. However, I genuinely feel it would be healthier for the game long run if people would choose their spec and stick with that. It’s called specialization for a reason. Then just pick someone else up from another spec if that spec is needed. It helps encourage a more inclusive experience. Instead of people just circling the wagons and playing with the same set of players again and again. Which isn’t good for a social game.

if they charged subs yearly instead of monthly, it wouldn’t be needed.

You will literally never do that.

If an MMO exists, players will always min/max within it. And Covenants encouraged it even MORE this time.