Fix Your Pets... NOW

/arrow to the heart

learn the dismiss pet key.

Play a non pet class…problem solved!

To be fair, they can’t get companions to work properly THERE, either. They have been glitchy as hell, lately.

That said, Tymmie would love to have some company - preferably a big. brawny Satyr to cover his back. :kissing_heart:

Or contribute to the discussion, that works too.

OP - I hear you, I was raiding Mythic in Legion as BM, and know the feeling. The best solution I have to this is creating a macro for passive/assist. I’ve been playing Hunter since the beginning, and know all too well about how buggy pets can be. Whilst I think it’s pure laziness at it’s best that this issue hasn’t been fixed yet, there are ways around it, albeit not the most optimal or the best solutions, but solutions nonetheless.

I’d suggest trying this macro, if you want a bit more complex macro, which I found while rummaging on the forums;

/petassist [mod:alt]
/petpassive [noharm][noexists][dead]

You can change the “alt” to a shift or control modifier, whichever you prefer, just make sure that the button combination “ALT-G” or “SHIFT-F”, or however you decide the designate the macro to an assigned hot-key, just double check that the modifier combination is available for the macro to execute properly. Again - I know that Blizzard should realistically fix this issue, as it’s been ongoing since the dawn of time with this game, but, I’ve learned to live with it and work around it.

From my experience personally - setting your pet to passive from assist/defensive generally always fixes the issue as it tends to reset the pet AI. Although I don’t know how well this would translate to Warlock necessarily, it might help remedy the problem.

Absolutly not. If you an’t put in the time/effort to raise your skill level to a mythic level… then you just don’t get it. It’s ok to not have the time or skill to raid at a mythic level… it’s meant to be challenging. They have heroic, normal and lfr so people can experience the same raid at lower difficulty.

I’m so tired of this “it’s too hard we should all be mythic raider” mentality.

Yea… no. You’re thinking of world first raiders… and your logic is wrong.

Wow offers multiple facets of entertainment. There are people that just enjoy the AH, some just enjoy lfr, some just enjoy pvp, some just like the lore and story, some just like pet battles or farming or just mythic plus… so you need to take a subset of a population that is trying to raid to show an accurate representation of raiders.

out of 8k guilds in US region that are progressing through normal… 7k of them ae progressing through heroic and 3k are progressing through mythic.

meaning of the population in the NA servers, that wants to raid, 40% are progressing through mythic. (very rough estimate but the gist is there).

again… no. that’s a world first metric. I’m 100% not in the top .01% and i’m almost at mythic Jaina. Probably get CE this tier. You’re putting mythic on a pedestal.

And mythic works the same way. We’re progressing on blockade right now. We wiped about 70 times so far but we keep geting better and better with the mechanics.

Mythic isn’t some impossible feat. it’s just paying attention to the timing of mechanics, handling them well, all while healing and dpsing as best you can. It’s not some mythical mount Everest or something.

I agree with you, Im saying that large amounts of people ARE trying to raise their skill level who give the tine commitment, and they still hit a brick wall because it’s tuned so high that less than 1% are able to do it. Im gonna assume there is more than 1% putting in the effort, so Im denying that people need to put in the effort, Im saying the amount of people awarded for their efforts can be higher than 0.01%

I never said that, you are putting words in my mouth. Not everyone can go to Medical school either, or obtain a PhD, but more than 0.01% of the people become doctors. University also often reserves As to the top 10%, which is still restrictive, but higher than 0.01%

Actually, I was referring to the number of guilds that had beat Mythic Jaina when I posted, which at that time was around 0.01% if you assume there are a million people raiding. There are MANY people like yourself who cant beat Jaina, and I know at least one guild that broke apart as a result …

If it’s currently 0.01% for mythic Jaina, it will probably be even lower for CoS

Than a completion rate of 1% or 5% should certainly obtainable, so when it’s less than 1%, it seems overly tuned to me.

again…you’re wrong.

this is your problem.

You’re number is based off thin air.

Once again. I’ll bullet point for simplicity.

  1. Not everyone in wow likes to raid. many play the game with 0 ambition of raiding.
  2. The population of raiders should be taken from a subset of people actually raiding, not an assumed number you pulled from thin air.
  3. Mythic raiders are not just raiders that killed Jaina, they are raiders that are completing Mythic content. Whatever the pace may be. Considering someone a Mythic raider that has only killed Jaina is very skewed.
  4. I already provided a better measurment and you completly ignored it. So i’ll repeat it again.

This is an actual representation f NA servers raider population. Anyone not doing normal most likely doesn’t care to raid…or they don’t have the skill.

So in conclusion. Use some actual facts in your arguments because all you’re doing is pulling random assumptions out of thin air and skewing your illogical Arguments.

And i don’t debate with people like that so this will be the last you hear from me. Enjoy paying 15 dollars a month to troll the forums.

You misunderstand me because you want to avoid what I am actually saying, in an effort to defend a position, which I’m not actually attacking.

Since the beginning I’ve been saying the number of people who complete a mythic tier. You want to discuss everyone doing a mythic boss, even just one, but what I’m actually discussing it how many people actually complete the mythic tier. I haven’t changed my argument, you just seem to have a hard time understanding what I’m saying, and I suspect emotions cloud your reading.

I’m saying having only 0.01% complete a mythic tier is too low.

Why couldn’t it be 1%?

When you want to discuss whether the number of people completing a mythic tier should be 1% or 0.01%, you’ll actually be discussing what I’m saying.

We were talking about mythic raiders… which means people who raid in mythic.

now you’re moving the field goal saying just Jaina.

Whether you get CE or not, as long as you’re progressing in Mythic you’re a mythic raider. Same with normal and heroic.

and if you’re JUST talking about CE… there’s 22k guilds in the world wih at least 1 normal kill. So i’m basing the population off those 22k guilds.

of those those guilds world wide that actually raid. 50% or 10k have mythic kills. which means 50% of the raiding population is a Mythic raider.

of those 10k there are about 4k that have a very good chance of CE within the next 2 months.

meaning by the end of the tier the population of people who actually raid , roughly 20% will have CE…not .01%

and more than 50% of he raiding population will be a “mythic raider” having killed up to at least 8/9…

this .01% bs you pull out of thin air is so far off that it’s not even in the same galaxy.

you cannot base your numbers off of an assumed total sub. Anyone that doesn’t have 1/9 normal by now more than likely does not play wow to raid…

so to recap. by the end of the tier roughly 20% of the total raiding population will have CE and more than likely close to 60-70% of the total raiding population will have between 1-8 bosses killed in Mythic being a mythic raider.

So the difficulty seems about right.

.01%…lmao… the logic you use is just hilarious at this point.

Why was this post linked in the Blues News post lmao


I came here looking for Blizzcon 2023 tickets


The only thing you’ll find in this thread is a bunch of abused flagging. Yikes.

Maybe it’s hidden in all the text. Some kind of Caesar cipher Cracker Jack box decoder ring thing with free tickets.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: