Fix Your Pets... NOW

I would not hold my breath on them fixing something.


Honestly, this and many other reasons is why I refuse roll a class that relies on pets. Even specced my mage out of it and deleted my hunter. Just not worth the hassle. Shammy is borderline since their pets are more temporary augments.


And the hilarious part is that people want companions in this game like they have in Old Republic. But they can’t even get pets to work properly here.


BfA Preview: Hey guys we are going to drastically update the AI system!

Warlocks, Hunter, DKs: YAY FINALLY!

BfA: Its only for some mobs on Island Expeditions


Always hated how pets worked in this game. I always try to use a spec that can get rid of them completely. If that isn’t possible, then the class isn’t enjoyable.


I get where you are coming from, but it is a serious error.

Many people, across video games, gravitate towards a certain play style. Many people will always play melee, always be a caster, and some people enjoy being a puppet master. It’s a separate playstyle that should be supported. Giving people options to avoid using their pets is also WRONG because many people are choosing to play that class specifically because it’s a pet class.

Many people aren’t even asking for their pet to be stronger, just make it have proper functionality.

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Oh if it was a bug that was causing pets to do double damage they would have fixed it within a day or two and possibly banned players for playing them.

Hunters are same way.


and why I played a with doctor in Diablo 3, and currently heal/DPS using a scholar/summoner in FF14.

What am I currently excited about?

Necromancer in ESO.

It’s a playstyle that attracts a certain group of people, including you and myself, and the video game makers know this, so they include them, but it’s also their responsibility to make them functional.

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Remember to get your pets spayed or neutered.


it’s actually easy to get around.

Macro /petattack to one of your most used abilities. Like I would macro it to shadow bolt and hand of guldan.

that way it’s automatic basically.

All my pets are fixed


That would actually be pretty horrific, unless you have evidence to the contrary.

A major problem with the felguard, for example, is that it will begin doing it’s AOE attack even if it’s nowhere near the enemy. To be optimal, you basically need to check if it’s close enough to the enemy or not, and if it is, begin the attack.

In reality, the button should be a two-step command. If near enemy, begin attack, if not, first approach current selected target within X yards, then check if near enemy, if yes, begin attack, if no, continue approaching.

It’s literally a series of true-false commands that wouldn’t be that difficult to code, but they just don’t bother doing it for their own reasons.

I don’t do mythic, but have had zero problems with pets. I do have a macro with a target assist combined with pet attack, but have only had to use it a few times.

I feel like you’re making this out to be more of an issue than it is.

I played demo on oppulence. it’s not hard.

your pet transitions to a new target when you get swapped which resets it’s aggro table and if you have your pet on anything other than attack it’ll reset to go to you until you take damage from the new target.

macroing a basic /petattack into an ability you will 100% be casting as soon as you transfer over helps to literally automate this transition so that you don’t have to do any extra button clicking.

it’s not rocket science.

you’re not macroing the aoe ability… you’re macroing the basic attack function that makes the felgaurd pick a new attack target.

if you wanted the felgaurd to do the aoe ability you’d have to do a macro to cast the aoe ability.