Fix wrath ret and I'll buy dragonflight

Seriously I know you guys would never do it normally but it’s an utter travesty that ret paladin, originally one of the strongest classes during this time in wrath, can now barely do better DPS than a tank. This is not true to the original experience at all and to think that we will have to go all the way through ulduar, the premiere content of the expansion, with zero incentive for any raid to even bring us along feels pretty bad.

It’s ridiculous to leave retribution in a state that was balanced around a set bonus which will not exist for 85% of the expansion. Don’t let a class that tons of people came back to this game just to play be a complete lemon. it’s in your own best interests to make a slight balance change to let ret paladins be above tank DPS by a respectable amount like every other class.

Best I can do is propose a trade offer at this point. So here we go. Fix ret and I’ll have enough faith try out dragonflight. But if you don’t why should anyone think the newer game will be any different when it comes to class balance.

Flame away boys /salute


Honestly who cares? Play what you want in a 15 year old expansion.


Fox it and I won’t buy dragonflight



Nerf it more and I’ll buy DF twice.


If they buff Ret, they have to remove the 10% penalty on Titan Grip and put it back later.

I’m not against such changes but in a way you have to accept how it is…we use 3.3.5 class balance and this is the results in phase 1. Things only get better from there.

Maybe play another class for the time being?

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Your tank must be doing 0some serious damage lol.


Ret is fine

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My tanks a pumper.

progressive patching would be cool but I guess its too much work for these lazy devs


There’s only going to be one relevant ulduar phase people should all be able to enjoy the class they want to

For sure. Definitely looks like he had one night specifically where he played to parse vs all the other nights tho lol

About doubled his dps on patchwork one night compared to all the others

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Compared to how it originally performed, and compared to other classes it is not fine. Just because the game is ridiculously easy in phase one doesn’t it make it ok to release a class in an end game state that cripples it for the majority of an expansion.

In PvP at least, Prot does more damage than 2H Ret. Ret is so gimped you might as well play Preg with a 1H, if that gives you any idea.

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If I get this straight:

You want them to fix Wrath ret so you can go play dragonflight instead?

it’s not worth the effort for one purchase. you have to offer more cash.


Not only are you starting a huge snowball effect with other class changes but you are setting yourself up to be the most OP spec by asking for a buff with ulduar and not proposing a nerf for icc set bonus–cant take you seriously, esp with the DF thing

Yea his gear is lining up with dps now.

He will run that set the rest of phase 1.

I mean I have hit top 10 world ranks on my ret and been below every DPS in my raid who was alive and not cucked by a mechanic. Leaving a class like that for almost all of wrath that was iconic during the real iteration is just sad.


Ret will scale and be crushing later in the expansion. Take a deep breath everything’s going to be OKAY.

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We will be good in the final patch and mostly only those of us who get smourne. That’s a long wait. Imagine your class basically being broken till ICC