Fix wrath ret and I'll buy dragonflight

Yeah it kinda stinks for ret paladins. This was definitely their expansion, when they were absolutely amazing damage in both pve and pvp. But unfortunately this particular patch had a slew of nerfs towards ret that disfavors them heavily.

Yeah but look it’s not like this was a surprise, right? You can compete with other Ret pallies and against yourself if that’s something you’re in to.

Wrath is kinda solved so if you don’t like it roll something that can DPS now and play your pally later?

It’s like me and my Mage. I hate Arcane mage. It’s not particularly strong but it’s okay but playing it is kinda trash. I will however fill a spot in a raid with it until I get to be Fire at a later date. I’m not really sure when that is but at some point it’ll be great!

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That’s bouncing between 2 DPS specs, not changing roles entirely from DPS to Tank or Healer.

That is a true statement, but I fail to see how that applies to what I was responding to.

Fury warrior 2 :frowning:

You seem to be saying your noble sacrifice of playing Arcane instead of Fire is the same as us Rets having to swap Holy or Prot.

No I was responding to the fact that they said their dps is barely better than the tanks and then I said it’ll get better later. OP never mentioned swapping from Holy or Prot.

Then I made the analogy of playing Arcane until Fire becomes good.

Also, you don’t have to get smart with me my dude. I’m not saying Ret DPS doesn’t suck, I’m just not sympathetic to an issue that doesn’t actually impact the raid in anyway.

The DPS isn’t great, but Ret brings a lot to the table so maybe they’re currently just a support class until they become great later.


Ret is exactly where it should be and should be the standard for all balancing. Other specs should be balanced just like ret is with the dps being directly related to the number of braincells required to play it.

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So your solution is to nerf every class then lol

i wouldn’t worry OP. when the expansion is over and you have all your ICC gear and your shadowmourne you’ll be competitive.

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Ret paladins in damage control mode
Seriously, THE most pathetic clown spec with the most whingy player base
Le ebin grusader deus vuld bro! Look at my scarlet tabard and betrayer of huge manatee! What do you mean im bottom dps how could this happe-ACK


I might be going out on a limb, but I really don’t think they care enough if one person buys an expansion enough to alter an entire class.

Not to mention, “fix a classic class and I will play less classic” makes no sense lol

I play a tank and average between 1500-2000 dps. The rets in my guild average 5-8k dps.

I really wanna know what type of tank you’re running with so I can start working on one.

Also … what does wotlk have to do with Dragonflight?

Remember Rogue in TBC?

You could try playing Holy or Prot, seems like those two specs are performing really well in end game content right now.

I thought it was pretty obvious that part was joke with subtle hidden meaning. The meaning being that they could use this easy lay up of a balance change to earn back some respect. Plenty of people play both games

TBC ret was best ret. Seal twisting helped make the spec feel so alive.

Imagine knowingly playing a spec that requires a tier set bonus and a legendary to even be a part of the competitive DPS and then complaining on the forums.

If you ain’t having fun with your spec, go play a rogue. Your made poor choices for yourself and your tastes, you live with them. Don’t ask the world to bend the knee for you.

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Yeah you’re right the game should not be improved to be be closer to what it originally was. Listen to yourself this is the most backward logic and it reeks of you having no self esteem irl + projecting it onto the forums. Go get some therapy or some friends to clear up that nerd rage.

Delete Ret from the game and ill buy everyone a copy of Dragonflight

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