Fix ur game blizzard

I’m not going to deny that I could always take some thicker skin, but at the same time, idk, I’m not actually leaving matches because I felt offended, took something personally, got my feelings hurt, etc.

I am primarily leaving the matches out of principle.

I don’t often leave because of something someone does (I do stupid stuff all the time). It’s 9/10 times because of something someone says, and acting like an ahole is a choice. It isn’t stupid (at least not in the way that you’re implying).

The principle being mainly with respect to showing a basic level of respect/decency, especially when the healer is the one with nothing of real consequence to lose (with fast queues, it’s hardly even a punishment to just lose cr).

I most often just get a slight chuckle irl once someone is toxic, then think to myself, “oh really, I wonder what you will think about this”, and then leave.

I also feel that by leaving, I’m to at least some extent doing my part to not encourage such behavior.

I’d like to think that at least a few will learn a lesson. If not, then they will be doomed to continue wasting their limited time sitting long queues for minimal gameplay.

Maybe this is just a boomer mentality idk. I’d would like to think though that the game isn’t only filled with hopeless basement-dwelling e-warriors.

It’s all good either way. If/when I want to push rating, I will disable chat. Best way to help yourself gain cr if you are a healer.

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