Fix unrated pvp

Hello, I see you replied to my post. “Balanced competitive” isn’t a thing in this game, you can literally do the exact same thing in RBGs as normal battlegrounds!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

There’s no eating attacked to non rated BGs so no you can’t earn rating upgrades in unranked.

Also I wasn’t the one that said balanced competitive.

Meh to be honest i don’t like rated

If i could i’d do rated once per season for the cosmetics and then not touch it again for the season and just bg i’d be much more inclined to play more. But having to throw all of my alts through rated just to get anywhere isnt fun to me

I like doing things out of my own will and not out of necessity


Hello, I see you replied to my post. Ranks are irrelevant, PvP is naturally in a competitive environment, the setting doesn’t change this fact.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

People who don’t like rated PvP but want to do unrated PvP do it for its entertainment value. No longer entertaining = people quitting and the pool of players who may someday decide to try rated declining.

The pyramid is crumbling from the foundation up, while devs touch up the gold paint on the growing cracks on the pedestal on top.


Pretty much lol

I’ve never pvped for reasons other than i like it and enjoy it and have fun doing it

Its not the pve mindset of “must get leet gear upgrades to incite me to play otherwise my existence has no meaning” that ever made me want to pvp for sure lol

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. You aren’t wrong, PvP participation is at some of the lowest levels ever!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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to be fair to comp rated players, it isn’t much better it’s just as trashy just in different ways.

but otherwise I agree, you shouldn’t have to be in heroic raiding ilvl gear just to be able to run a few casuals without getting 1 shot.

I think excessive time gaiting and lengthy progression systems are a problem with the entire game. Not just with PVP. But, I believe there are definitely many other issues with PVP aside from just the lengthy progression system.

If they just allowed us to upgrade the gear instead of locking it behind rated PvP, that would solve many problems. I would be alright with getting farmed if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Or just go back to templates for randoms. Way simpler.


I think the devs are noticing top players leaving, which is why they added another gear rank, just as they probably noticed top M+ players leaving and created a title for the top .1%. They either aren’t paying attention to people on the bottom of the pecking order, or they notice but don’t care.

Just in general devs don’t seem to have a clue how to make anybody happy, even the people they think they are catering to. I get the feeling they think the things they do that are intended to favor the top few players will have a trickle down effect, as though people who occasionally do 1 mythic+ a week would somehow be inspired by the existence of a title for top keypushers to become one themselves.

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See I think that’s where we differ. I love arena and rated. It hey different things for different people.

I’m also a very competitive person which probably stems from when I played soccer competitively.

Like I said. I wasn’t the one who said it first.

This right here is what always keeps my bros away. They come back for an expansion, play 2 hours a day for a few months and realize half of the current wow player base plays 4+ hours per day and it is very difficult to stay relevant. Back in vanilla through cata, most players played about the same amount of time. Now wow players have been trained to be raiders or be losers. Those that don’t have time to raid end up leaving.


Hello, I see you replied to my post. Maybe you missed the commas separating “balanced” and “competitive.” This isn’t the same as saying, “balanced competitive” thus making you who indeed said it first!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


I’m def competitive too, hell i try to maintain a 70% winrate over 8000 bgs played. I hate losing bgs

But i like large scale pvp. I like 10v10 and 15v15
Rbgs are ruined by disgusting human beings going on about warts and screeching as they backpedal away from flags or have zero awareness and start screeching about throwing games while they’re the ones making awful plays

2s i like because i can play with just one person and we can have chill times in voice
3s i like less because of needing a third person and added requirements for playing specific comps and specs and talents

I just want to pvp and win and play 2s when i feel like it instead of being shoved into it against my will out of necessity to get max conquest gear

Blizz really managed to ruin pvp for me in sl its actually impressive


Very, very few top end pvpers say this. Most of them agree that PvP gearing is horrible right now.


If unrated bgs are for fun and meaningless. Then you should load in with a full set of pvp gear like the tournament realms. The only reward you should get out of unrated bgs are MoH.


Unrated bgs have always given honor. Why the need to trivialize them and make them unappealing except to transmog collectors? I think players should be able to use honor to buy mats and gear like back before Legion.

Also bring back gold reward boxes for winning. I need that 200g for repairing my gear that breaks in pvp :angry:


If you already get a full set of pvp gear, you need 0 honor.

What exactly is trivializing them. You are now on an even playing field.

Marks of honor are the currency to do that very thing.

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