Fix this nonesense faction inbalance!

Welcome to Warcraft. Where normal US shards are bombarded with horde, Oceanic and RP shards are bombarded by alliance. I’m sharded in alliance heavy shard. I think we are outnumbered 4:1 or close to that.

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I smell a horde mole!!!

No, but seriously the imbalance is really bad. Its been bad for like months now. I hope Blizzard does something about it soon.


Blizzard: Sorry what was that? Can’t hear you over all the $$$ we’re making from faction transfers.


Whats it like to be a troll? Do you just hide under bridges waiting for someone to bring up a serious issue, then quickly respond with a contrarian response? Isn’t
there a better venue where you can debate with other like minded people?

I say this because what the OP is talking about is VERY REAL issue in the game right now for Alliance. Never in my 12 year history of world PvPing have I seen the ratio this horribly off balance.

Its one thing to get camped for a while or get jumped by a big war party of the opposite faction, but the absolute holocaust of which 8.2 world PvP has been for Alliance is a completely different beast.

Now, I cant speak for all Alliance across all the servers, and maybe you just happen to be on a reasonably balanced shard/server, but at least on Emerald Dream, it is as far from balanced as a mouse and a blue whale on a Teeter Totter


The RP shards, not including ED because we arent sharded with them, is very much alliance heavy. I’d like to say they outbumber us 3:1. We share a shard with Moonguard which is 75 percent alliance. Sure, not all of them partake in warmode, but i do assume that MG in warmode is dominated by alliance as well. Put those players in with the other servers, that I believe are even, of course we would be outnumbered. Welcome to sharding.


yeah, i said this either in this post earlier of another one yesterday- combine all servers when WM is turned on. it seems like the alliance heavy RP and OCE would help the outnumbered NA to make it somewhat balanced.

Exactly. The only reason I do okay on this character is because I’m a rogue. I won’t be leveling up any more Alliance characters until I’ve unlocked flying.

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You may not consider it a problem if, when your group gets wiped by superior numbers, you regroup but can only pick off one of the attackers before they wipe you again.

Many other people would, however, consider it a problem. Especially if they’re not rogues.

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You’re right, I apologize. Was having a bad day and came off angrier than I’d have liked.

Thanks for calling me out.


At a minimum, let us use flight paths while in combat again. Then you at least have a chance of escaping a zerg that’s camping a flight path.


Lmao at all the Blood Elf trolls in this thread.

This is how “balanced” WM is on my realm, even with the sharding technology that, to me, is not working as intended.

h t t p s://

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And on my realm its the opposite.

What you just said here is almost the same as those people that say global warming isn’t a problem because it’s cold where you live… smh.

It’s a well known problem on some realms. Some are more balanced and some have more alliance.

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Yeah I agree, I apologized a couple posts up.


Alliance at assaults are all hopped up on Red Bull and Mountain Dew. Camping every quest hub…haha…madness

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This kind of things shouldnt happen in your own base when you portal to nazjatar

Honestly, I think race choices have a lot to do with it, and of course racials.

If it wasn’t for the friends I have in an all druid guild that is alliance based, I would be Horde.

In my view, alliance has Tall Humans, Medium Humans, Short Humans, some elves, and a couple of more alien looking races.

Look at the variety on the Horde side.

Just my thoughts.

First id like to point out that some servers have alliance heavy shards and that horde on those servers suffer as we ally on NA servers do. This imbalance is mostly a result of issues with their sharding, when discussing an other issue with a customer service rep i brought it up and was told the dev team is aware and it is a concern.

Personally i think each shard should have a hard cap for each faction, any extra players get moved into a new shard and already filled shards cant have extra people brought in. Lag gets really bad when more than id say 60 people are actively in combat. So make cap 30 for each faction. Players can form raid groups up to 30 people which i think is more than enough for any of the world bosses. Something along these lines atleast.

They need to hit undo and put realms back to how they were. They didn’t fix the balance issues, and they completely killed realm communities in the process.

This xpac in general, but sharding especially, is a failure.

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