Fix the Vault System

BiS gear from every drop please.
I’m actually offended mythic gear doesn’t drop from lfr bosses ?? I should be allowed to roll on items dropping in other people’s raids that I’m not in.

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Tier is the most useless vault items because of how fast and guaranteed it is with catalyst and KSM tokens (ignoring actual tier raid drops).

This is literally what RNG has been doing to me for the past 8 days. :frowning:

I’m tired boss…

while she is cruel at times she will reward you when you are down lol

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The system needs a big fix. It was bad since it was implemented in Shadowlands. This is my second week since new patch that i have to choose Tokens of Merit. No trinkets, no tier pieces, no bis gear, all repeated gear pieces or pieces that already got.

They should add a weekly Reroll at least so if you got crap pieces in the first open of the vault re rolling it should solve the problem giving another chance at least to get something better.

Vault just gave me tier legs (LFR but that’s good in my world), and legs were one of my weakest slots. I replaced a world drop blue, and I’ll use the catalyst to get my fourth piece.

That’s tier twice in two weeks, usually I’m not that lucky.

Victim complex is real.

This doesn’t make sense. It’s the second vault of th season. It should have mythic track gear in it. There’s no way you got 6 of the same slot you got out of the vault last week. Item level is king. Sure, secondary stats are great, but main stat far outweighs everything else unless we are exclusively talking about jewelry and some really bad trinkets.

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As long as they give an alt option to the gear such as the coins. I don’t think they will change anything

Also it works for so many other people that I think they will ignore it

We could go back to the emblem system. One drops every boss and you get a piece o gear every week or every other week for chest, legs and weapon.

Emblem of frost for lfr
Emblem of triumph for normal
Emblem of heroism for heroic
Emblem of valor for mythic

Just looking at who the person is that is lecturing another player to lower their expectations and be satisfied with less progress than you have made. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to make that observation. It only makes sense that someone who is posing as a hall monitor should call me a “karen”. Ageist much? Yup, that’s you.

I had 5 items to choose from this week and they were all garbage! I got two back pieces that I don’t need, a ring that was strong but the effect is only if I use fire damage ( I play a unholy dk so no) , and a trinket that was not strong and the effect was not as good as what I already have!

Picked non of them but what the heck! So many armor types I can get and so many in raid I want and get nothing but capes, useless ring, and a weak trinket!

What does that even mean?

While I do think complaining about not getting BiS from the Vault is worthy of a mocking thread.

I will say the Vault does in fact, suck and more often than not feel like, to use the words of a Youtuber everybody hates, feels more like a weekly disappointment box than a reward for doing the content the previous week.

And I say this because, since it’s hard RNG there’s no real way to target anything and no real recourse if the RNG gods decide you should get your choice in 3 different cloaks as opposed to any piece of gear you are actually trying to upgrade.

This could be resolved if the tokens you get for choosing nothing allowed you choice in item, that could be catalyzed if it met the catalyst requirements, at the cost of over 1 month worth of Vault tokens or something.

BiS should just rain down on people when they zone into any instanced content. Just basically thrown at them. If the free raining gear doesn’t sim the best, we should get our sub fee back.

Vault should have lowered drop rates for low value picks at the start of the season. Getting bracers/neck/rings/cloak as all your options in a early season(first month) vault is gross. Getting a low value piece in early vaults where every piece should be an upgrade no matter what is one of the worst feelings in this game when a season starts since its rng telling you to enjoy being behind the gearing curve, the worst feeling of course is getting several rings with actual worthless stats(which shouldn’t exist to begin with but they do) and having to take a socket week 1-2. While I can understand the vault not being entirely deterministic there should be some form of veto or targeting to say, “I don’t want this slot to show up in my vault” or “I don’t want this stat to show up in my vault.”

for example, people think “my loot spec is set to frost. my best secondaries at the moment are crit > haste > vers > mastery. this piece dropped with vers and mastery on it. therefore, the game is bugged.”

i just mean that e.g. a cloth bracer that has haste/vers and a cloth bracer that has crit/vers can both be looted by a character that can use cloth bracers. the game does not give ‘spec preference’ to items based on their secondary stats.

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Your first mistake was signing up to play an RPG and then deciding that you have to play the afforementioned RPG like it’s a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet simulator wherein you only do exactly what whatever moron you follow on youtube or wowhead says you should do.

Believe it or not if you just play your class, keep the various secondary allotment pieces of gear you get, and test it with other builds, you can still make it work.

But whatever man, if you wanna spend 14.00 a month to have someone else play a video game for you, enjoy I guess.

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Absolutely no one thinks that spec loot affects the stats on the item.

The OP does.


We all live this each week, just RNG doing its thing. I feel the pain.