Fix the Vault System

You did content, you filled vault.

It does not need “fixing”

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All apart of the job m’am.


lmao i got 4pc set out of vault on 4 toons this week

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Two of my mythic plus slots at items with stats my spec doesnt use. Pretty frustrating

Where in god’s name did you get the idea you were entitled to a piece of BiS gear from the Vault every week??


You do know the catalyst has been open since day one of the raid.
Recharges every 2 weeks so you could have a 2 set at this point.


I unlocked 6 vault slots and my vault this morning only had 1 item that piqued my interest, the staff from H Nymue. The on-use is a 2 min cd, so I macro’d it to Grimoire: Felguard. I hope your fortune improves.

ok. a) BiS lists are just that, theoretical BIS (based on sims for single target fights with no movement). Unless you’re a completionist you just don’t need every piece of BIS. Get the best ilvl, and upgrade it when you can. Better yet, fill pieces with crafted gear. It’s usually < 1% difference and you shouldn’t be stressing over a bis list.

b) you can convert pieces to tier set at the revival catalyst.

This is all much better than when all you could do was hope for a drop in a raid and that you win the roll out of 100. Enjoy!

You mean like a token and every 2 weeks or so you can buy the piece you want? I guess we can call them sparks since they spark up our dps. And since we are in the dream, we could call them Spark of Dream!!! Genius.


I mean…I have one character of every class.
They all do LFR and M+ and most do pvp.
7 of them have not recieved a natural loot drop in over 8 weeks.
All of my tier/bis gear has been entirely given to me via either the catalyst or the weekly vault.

I say fix the main loot system to actually give loot. 4/12 characters get some loot, and only 1/4 actually got geared appropriately.
This patch, I have to depend on the vault again because only my priest has received any loot. Oh, and my dk just finally got a natural loot drop for the first time since the expansion launched.

This should rustle EVERYBODIES jimmies.

Nobody should get an entire full set of tier gear to choose from in their vault, only to have other people get virtually nothing out of it.

I think it is more the other half of the issue that you so smoothly ignored.
The fact that they also didn’t get any natural loot. To get no rewards from any source? That shouldn’t happen.

this weeks vault gear was mad disapointing ngl.
i thought id atleast have to wait till week 8 till i get sad opening a vault but just like you… i got zero tier. and reallllllly poopy gear

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What’s with raids getting lower loot i-level than dungeons? Something’s not quite right.

Awesome luck! Also, I didn’t notice the second L in your name at first and it’s absence made me giggle

The Vault shouldn’t exist.


I got tier chest, and bis bracers this week, I only unlocked 2 slots. I have yet to get a damn trinket in 3 forking seasons of vaults.

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Do I get 4pc or Pip’s on my mage and holy priest?

They did get rewards, just because its not the exact reward they “thought” they should have received doesn’t mean “getting no rewards from any source.”

Seriously if y’all just stopped with the entitled entitlement y’oud enjoy playing this game a lot more.


I would expect you, with an ilvl of 466, to lecture someone with an ilvl of 443 that they should be perfectly satisfied with having to lower their expectations, when you’d be having a fit if the situation was reversed.

You should lose your expectations karen.

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i agree we need to go back to a gear vendor like ffxiv