Fix the Vault System

My main, who had 6 selections and doesn’t have a single piece of tier gear; got NOTHING for his spec… literally not a single choice that shows up on any BIS list… and the best choice was for a spec I do not play where the stats are completely unaligned.

Meanwhile an alt I did 1 dungeon with (and barely timed) gets a piece of 470 tier gear.

Just give us tokens to purchase pieces…anything that whatever **** randomizer you are currently using…



Change your title before you get banned.

RNG gonna RNG.

Vault is still better than nothing or rerolling and getting Gold.



Blizzard doesn’t set or guarantee any “BiS” pieces. Find a decent upgrade. Unless you’re doing bleeding edge content, I doubt it will hold you back. Re: the tier - you should have 2 catalyst charges by this point. Catalyze something. Should also have two sparks - use some crests and craft something.


Better luck next week fwend

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They weren’t upgrades… not a single one of them…

Every stat combination was worse. Those that were marginally higher in tier standing; had tertiary stats…

I’m not demanding BIS; but there comes a point even in random numbers where something is wrong


Do you not have anything you can catalyze for tier?

Rng just sucks sometimes. I definitely prefer the vault over the old random single piece of gear with no choice involved whatsoever. A currency system would be nice though.

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Weeeeeeeee woooooooo weeeeee wooooooo :rotating_light:

Thank you for your duty citizen. This hallway is now safe.


then this will really rustle your jimmies

my guildie’s vault today:


Week 3 of the season and you don’t have BIS?

You deserve the ban you’re about to get.


Geezus. Have that person pick some lottery numbers for me.


I got the same 483 piece this week as last week. Sucks. Had to take a Normal → Heroic slot upgrade.

secondary stats on gear are not and have never been designed to suit one particular spec over another within the same role.

Yeah. Even with bad loot choices in the vault everyone should have access to their 2 piece by now.

I started saving up conversion pieces on the first day of the season to make sure Id have options


Wow rng got people l losing there minds

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seems like youre the problem. maybe set the spec you want gear from. you cant get gear for other specs unless you screw up.

The Vault system is random and isn’t intended to only provide things from an arbitrary “BIS list”. Better luck next week.


I know, that’s awful. I hope you’re ok.

I had 1 vault slot, but i went from 450 to 455 today lol