Fix the Queue times, Upgrade your Servers

208 minutes to get into Faerlina at 3:22 PM PST.

This would be acceptable if we weren’t paying Blizzard $15 per month on a subscription.

But we are paying a subscription.

Blizzard please update your servers.

Blizzard makes $305,796,000 dollars per year in WOW subscriptions alone.

This is more than enough money for them to upgrade their servers.

Blizzard please update your servers.

It is needed.


transfer or reroll, it’s not blizzard’s fault, they didn’t choose the server for us to go on.


If only they would address the issue so people would stop posting this is the forums. Oh wait they did :sleeping:

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“transfer or reroll, it’s not blizzard’s fault, they didn’t choose the server for us to go on.”

it is their fault, they make $305,796,000 dollars per year and they can’t upgrade some servers?



Where did we get this number from?


Do you know anything about servers?
Why do you think Blizzard’s servers are “out of date”?
Why do you think better servers are easily available?
Why do you think better servers can easily be switched to?
Why do you think better servers will FIX anything?

Or are you just imagining all of this?

I guess you’re imagining this. Which number is “make”?

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A simple google of Blizzard’s annual revenue lets you know they bring in $7.5 billion. WITH A B. Per year. Yeah… upgrade the servers.


What if the servers are already upgraded?


Ask their Chief Operating Officer Bobby Kotick. That’s why they pay him $30m/yr for.

My apologies. I thought this was a “fix players’ problem” thread.

Instead it is an “attack people/companies with money” thread.

Sorry for interrupting.


As a shareholder aka “fixed player” with a problem… Yes, I call out and look to the leaders that can make tantamount operating decisions by following their core values as they pertain to their customers… especially moreso during a time of economic hardship for not only them, but their customers (and moreso but i digress to their core values):
Gameplay first.
Commit to quality.
Every voice matters.
Think globally.
Lead responsibly.
Learn and grow.

you guys don’t want sharding or anything that retail has that keeps us from having queues. muh community right? well that comes with a cost.


sure that may be true, but if you look closely at their bottom line, they’ve been cutting operating expenses YoY. To whatever effect, net revenue from subscriptions is going up. That’s simple math to say, hey if we’re making you more profit and you’re cutting back expenses to servers… then fix it.

they drastically increased the population of servers already which has created it’s own storm of tears. look at any thread about herbalism for instance. the only thing they could do is put back in layering. which will anger as many people as it makes happy. it’s not blizzes fault people stopped playing and now everyone is going to a handful of servers because the rest are dying. that’s a player problem.

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And yet, blizzard will be fixing this ‘player problem’ to which you claim there is no fix for. oops.


they can increase the server capacity which will anger people even more because of mats farming. or they’ll turn on layering again. what else do you think they can do? and you do realize each of those things comes with a trade off right?


Classic community: “servers are too big! Economy ruined! Not vanilla like!”

Also classic community: “Queues are too long! Upgrade your servers!”


most servers are dead right now because most people have stopped playing. so now everyone is going to full servers so they don’t get stuck on a dead server. they can make the servers even bigger but lets see how fun lotus farming is with an extra huge mega server.

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Mats farming is already dominated by gold sellers and bots on servers with queues. Lotuses are upwards of 150g on whitemane. I saw my first one in 4 months just the other day at 2 am. Increasing capacity won’t change that mess one iota.

Adding back layers will only ruin things for said bots and gold farmers, and frankly? good.

if they were smart they’d combine servers with other lower population servers and increase capacity on larger servers. i’m not sure what they’re gonna do though. the “incedius is the best realm in classic” meme from the forums has 5 hour queues now since the pandemic.

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