Fix the honor gain and resilience

My video shows similar honor gains. I didn’t say anything about honor in the post they are referencing. I claimed the damage was the same for my arcane mage in OG prepatch and half the thread said i was wrong till i linked video. Honor being the same or not the amount of time to get a piece is off, farmed a full set on original with alts, impossible currently.

Nice job jumping into a conversation you didnt follow, lookin wicked smaht.

What a :clown_face:

You might be the biggest one yet.

Anyways, Arathi Basin win giving 30 honor:

Reading comprehension failure. Local community colleges offer remedial classes.

Embarrassing :joy::joy::joy: nice

You guys should duel to settle this squabble!

Suggesting that this is “the norm” or “due to level scaling” was misinfo. It shouldn’t have been like this back then, or today.

Wrong. This was the norm in original and fixed when we leveled up post prepatch. I even said that level scaling was an assumption. You guys are straight up illiterate.

You moved the goalpost when i provided receipts.

You should have just apologized instead of digging your cringe pit deeper :shushing_face:

Stop defending Blizzard by using the “it was like this originally” excuse. A stat should not be completely non-functional for 2.5 more weeks.

Defending blizzard? When have I done that a single time?

They are incompetent

Im stating facts that the damage on my mage is the same now as it was in original. Thats the only thing i said before these scrubs said im lying. Then i posted my video proving it. Then you jump in late mentioning my assumption on honor, which had nothing to do with the argument we are having. I got hands for all you turds. Thanks for contributing.



You have nothing, you’re nothing.

its fun for one or two bgs, but it gets old blinking and dying

please fix resilience

Honor gain is working as intended back in the original pre-patch.

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So you crit someone for 40 k who was wearing zero resilience. You can still do that after tuesday’s fix, working as intended. Pve geared players sometimes queue up.

But your not critting 40 k on anyone wearing full wrathful after tuesday.

Where did I say you never hit over 40k? People are getting hit for over 40k currently. I never denied this. I denied you ever hitting someone with full wrathful (1300+ resil) for 40k.
Remember, and try to focus, this is a discussion about RESILIENCE not working due to a bug. This is not a discussion about nerfing class damage.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter now since they confirmed it wasn’t working and will be fixing it Tuesday. Looks like they finally listened to the forums. Enjoy the few days abusing the bug though. No point in arguing about this now since blizzard confirmed it’s a bug.

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