Fix the honor gain and resilience

This makes no sense. If instead of getting .40 honor or .06 honor you get 1 then it drastically went up. This would mean you actually got value from HK’s. If the rewards aren’t 6.9 or 33.2 and actual whole numbers that is more too.

You get 50 Hk’s in a BG and they all count as 1-3 honor each that is a massive difference compared to decimals.

Anyone can feel free to correct me with accurate information. Do you remember decimals? Does anyone? Maybe it’s cause it never happened.

You dont always round up, they would always round down for the end of bgs / parts of bgs. it would even out to a point that the honor change wouldnt drastically change anything. They should nerf the cost of honor gear so its not 2200 honor for a belt.

In WG I’m getting .06 honor for a HK in a large group. So what honor should I get? 0?

Wrong there is a conversion that is drastically off.

When you get an HK in a BG it’s honor is split to surrounding players in the area but at NO POINT was it ever less than 1 and some decimal where you get .06 or .40.

Everyone should be getting 1 honor at the very least for an HK. This is where it’s drastically wrong. Can you imagine the outrage in orginal Cata if someone got .06 honor from an HK? :rofl:

Wrong because if I PvP and get 500 HK’s right now that is about 100 Honor and it should be 500-2000+ honor. It’s not even close.

There is just wrong calculations going on for HK’s and the Rewards are also affected by it.

Stop trying to gaslight me and say how we used to get .06 honor for an HK in PvP. .06! Just stop

This is all I got to say. Good day time for work.

Here’s an MMO champion post from 2010:

So I play horde on Kil’jaeden US. For us, it’s, at prime time, about 10 minutes for a random BG queue. Any other time of the day, it ranges from 15-30 minutes. First of all, those queues are absurd, but I’ll comment on that later. My real concern is with the amount of honor you get per game. In a losing game, even a random, you get around 25-30 honor. In a winning random, you can expect between 60-85 honor. Now let’s do a little math:
Take a 15 minute queue and a 15 minute game. Roughly 30 minutes per BG, optimistically. Let’s say we win 50% and lose 50%. That’s an average of roughly 46 honor per game.
The entire blue set takes 19,450 honor to get (I believe).
Take 45 divided by 19450, we get about 432 BGs to get the entire blue set. Do a little more–30 minutes times 432 BGs is 216 hours.

You need to do 216 hours of random BGs (optimistically, more likely longer), to get the blue PvP set.

Let’s say an average player plays 5 hours a day. That’s 43 days of farming, spending 100% of your played time doing random BGs and nothing else.

Anybody seeing the problem here?

I think they may be talking about level 85 also which is even more unfortunate.

So again, regardless of original Cata rates being good/bad, I think they should change them. Given CataC is on an accelerated schedule it would make sense to change currency gain rates, even at 85.


Nice job finding this post tbh. They should deff increase the gain rate due to the schedule.

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If there were any reason to believe, as you seem to suggest, that they have the bandwidth to “just put out a post,” then we could just look at the issues added and say that’s all that is officially recognized as bugs at the moment:

If it isn’t there, there’s no reason to believe that they acknowledge or are working on it.


OOOOO DANG BOYS HERE YA GO happens at 10:45 ish at the very end. 42k CRIT with zerker. Whole wsg complete with dumb music.

I want a written apology from all you clowns. I am 100% accurate in every single thing ive said. Get dunked on dorks.

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Look at the honor gained at the end of that BG in the video, 6:11. It shows 23-27 honor gained per win and 4-5 for the lose. Which is about or less than we are seeing now.

I think the focus needs to be on adjusting cost of the Wrathful pieces. Especially since most of us lost all of our Arena Points that were suppose to convert to the new Honor Amounts.


I can’t comment about arcane mage. Or what gear you’re using on that arcane mage too lazy to look lol.

I can say at 6:56 that ele shaman who’s far better geared than mine hit you with a lava burst for 7491 dmg and followed that with a crit chain lightning of 5452 and it’s mastery proc of 4424 also a crit.

I just tested on my sham in almost all furious pvp gear and split set with resil gems. I crit a full wrathful paladin for 10,681 with lava burst and my chain lightnings are hitting regular for 4,100 and critting for ~7405 which is significantly higher than what’s being done in this video. While I for sure have less gear on my sham.

So while arcane mage may be the same, can’t say. Damage is definitely off.

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Yes, 100% the larger issue

The resil being borked is due to level scaling issues (I assume) and will even out when we level to 85

Thats fair, my reference point is arcane mage damage being identical to prepatch OG & it is. And yeah the video is full wrathful geared mage. Honor wasn’t broken so everyone could farm full set ez.

If resil wasnt broken in original and is now youd think id be hitting harder too.

Well people were also saying resil does absolutely nothing and that’s not true. You benefit from about 10% damage reduction give or take up to like 4-500 resil. Anything after that seems to major DR and become useless. Then again I tested that with boomkin wrath, shaman lightning bolt, and hunter auto shot and got the same results on all 3. Again, didn’t test arcane mage tho lol.

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Embarrassing they still have not fixed it yet nor even acknowledged that it’s broken. But of course if this was a PVE issues they would’ve fixed in right away.

Resil is completely broken and bugged. It does 0% damage reduction. Dead stat. This needs blizz attention, plz post this in the bug report section.

Im not seeing this “it still does 10% dmg reduction” claim in game. Ive tried dueling the same person… with and without resil i dont see a difference.

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It’s already been confirmed that resil isn’t working and will be fixed on tuesday :shushing_face:

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I saw a difference between 0 resil and 300 resil.

Anything after ~300 resil made next to 0 difference. Like I said I saw the same results between a moonkin, shaman, and hunter.

There was also a post in this discussion linking to a blue reply (Kaivax) saying there’s something coming the 7th related to a resil fix.

That post he replied to was also closed by him though and I can’t find any other comments about it so idk.

lets get this post some traction then

Don’t care if it was bugged in original cata prepatch too, it’s getting fixed now :shushing_face:

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You said i was spreading misinformation. Now the goal post has moved. Are you able to write off the rainbow wig, red nose, & make up on your taxes? Since you’re a professional clown?

Here’s a video of a WSG win giving 50 honor in original Cataclysm pre-patch on October 27th 2010: