Fix the honor gain and resilience

Not seeing enough discussion on this, should be the only topic until it’s fixed.

10-30 honor for losses and 40-70 honor for wins makes gearing impossible unless you play 24/7 until the 20th. Some people saved their arena points for half off wrathful gear with rating requirements removed and blizzard ignored complaints for weeks about it. And with no communication, deleted our arena points and implemented this broken honor system. A pair of boots should not require roughly 40 random BG WINS (no losses). Before prepatch, 40 bg wins would fully gear someone.

Resilience not working is allowing players in full bis PVE gear to slaughter in bgs. I’m talking 1-2 tapping people in full wrathful. Stacking 1400 resil currently does nothing. Seeing full pve geared players literally tab through team fights 1-2 tapping full pvp geared players is funny once, then it’s just blatant disrespect for your paying customers.

People keep saying prepatch pvp is just bursty. I agree, it usually is quick paced. But this is beyond bursty. There is no debate, resilience is not working and if it was, the pace of pvp would still be fast. It just wouldn’t be totally unplayable for anyone without full PVE bis gear.


agreed, especially considering they took everyones arena points weeks early.

At the very least they need to discount wrathful by a lot

I have footage on youtube playing bgs in original Cata prepatch

Im hitting exactly as hard as in the video. My arcane mage with zerk can crit over 40k and it was the same in OG.

If resil is broken then it was originally as well until we leveled to 85. This isn’t out of the norm, prepatch isnt balanced, have fun while its wonky.

BGs giving bugged honor is a larger problem along with the billion other issues. There seems to be no QA team that tested beta and those issues breaking the core parts of the game are a bigger problem than the insano damage that is exactly in line with the original launch.

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Did you inspect the gear of your opponents in your 13 year old 480x600px video so you can be sure you were hitting people in full resilience gear? lmfao

Still basically impossible to know if resilience was day 1 fixed or if it has to do with exclusively with level scaling, could still be broken at 85 and need to be fixed anyways. The complaint here is legitimate either way people are being asked for $90 to boost a character, they should be allowed to want things to work and when they don’t the developer should say “we know, we’re working on it” or “sadly this won’t be resolved until cata goes live.”


Yeah, communication would be great. They are terrible with that on classic :pensive:

The video is me in full wrathful vs others in various gear but honor wasnt broken so most everyone had full wrath lol. I was looking forward to the imbalanced pvp for the short time its live and expected this kind of damage.

& yeah it seems to be a level scaling issue effecting all of this & with the mountain of other core issues breaking the game that imo need to be prioritized. Saying this as someone that only plays the game for pvp.

Was the honor changes also bugged? I was capped at honor during wotlk but come cata pre patch i only had around 2k ish

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That’s working as intended, capped honor would result in like 1780 or something in new currency

technically theres nothing to “fix”. We are getting low honor because we arent max level. Back in the day you would get 125 honor at level 85 from bgs, the big chunk of honor was from Tol barad. The honor we get now is correct, just bad.

They should nerf the cost of wrathful gear but i doubt they will


Lets hypothetically say you are right. Which I don’t think you are.

Then all Blizz would have to do is just put out a post saying it’s NOT a Known issue and it matches their prepatch where Resil didn’t work and Honor was bugged. So they are going along with the original bugs. Instead of dead silience and no communication.

Personally there should be no bugs and Cata Classic isn’t about staying true to the original at all. That’s why they did surveys on balance and other changes. So they should just fix the problem or at least say they are aware of them lol.

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Well, giving past history of classic expansions they will nerf the cost of gear or boost the gains of honor but only after the pvp community complains for a couple months

Link the video. You’re claiming to hit people with full wrathful for 40k in original cata prepatch? I bet the only people you hit for 40k had no resilience.

It’s so weird to me some people will defend obvious bugs if they benefit from it in some way. This isn’t a case of “x class is op needs nerf” either, this is a legit bug and you are posting like crazy in the forums defending it. I’m sure you and a handful of bis pve geared mages are having a blast but the other 99% of the playerbase is not. What is this selfish mindset lmao

Hope people like you aren’t in charge of any decision making bc the blatant self interest in your posts is hilariously bad


I never remembered getting decimal honor ever or having the reward be decimal honor. So I’m gonna disagree.

Gotcha, thanks for the response!

The misinfo can stop now :shushing_face: PvP Resilience stat not working - #16 by Kaivax


Thanks for posting this for clarity. At least Resil will work again. I knew it was never broken before lol.

Theres forums post of people complaining about honor gain all the way back in cata. Do you remembe how much honor you gained back in the day? or just that it wasnt decimals

It wasn’t decimals therefor the current honor gain is wrong. Therefor it can be fixed just like Resil is being fixed. Am I saying it was vastly higher than now? No I’m just saying it was higher because it wasn’t decimals :roll_eyes:

Regardless of what the numbers were in real cata (and I think they may have been bad since 80 numbers are now balanced around that being a lowbie bracket and 85 numbers are much higher I expect), I think they should change them.

The pre-patch is very short and people are trying to set up alts for the next expansion. Both JP gear and honor gear take absurdly long to farm with the current costs + gain rates.

Heirlooms take like 4x as long to farm via JP now than they did as emblems. 40 emblems vs. over 2k JP when 40 emblems only converted into 463 JP.

Wrathful gear and JP gear from inside ICC weren’t available for lower currencies before, but even so they still take really long to farm for gear that is rapidly replaced in 20 days. Ideally people would be able to farm them quickly and enjoy having them during the pre-patch.

Idk how you are so confident its not decimals. Its been 14 years since the prepatch.

Even if it isnt decimals, the honor wouldnt go up, they would just change the decimals to whole numbers

I 100% agree. I just want people to shift from “fix honor gain” to “nerf cost of wrathful gear”. It will be way more likely and a even quicker change

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