Fix The Actual Reporting Problem: Remove/Nerf the Squelching System

If people are reported for LFG ads, they’re not squelched or silenced. They can keep posting them until a GM steps in and actually levies a suspension.

If someone sends abusive mail, same thing - they’re not getting squelched from reports.

You’re conflating chat channel reporting with systems that have their own reporting systems, and with that, you’re also perfectly fine with people who do no wrong having large portions of their game shut down by those who weaponize the reporting system.

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You are forgetting that often accounts used purely for advertising will not only spam chat channels but do a entire multitude of things alongside (lfg/mail/trade chat/general chats) eachother for maximum exposure before their account gets actioned. Is the system perfect? No. Does the system work? Yes.

I mean are you legit asking for the squelch system to be removed so all of those other accounts that are purely created for advertising paid for with gold can go non stop until a gm bans them? Do you think that will be a better system overall for the game or worse in terms of chat and gameplay being disrupted?

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Yes, OR a middle ground (which is the first of the two proposed solutions - are you forgetting that?)

We’re going to agree to disagree here. Fellow players should have never been given the title of judge, jury and executioner.


I don’t believe in the “All or Nothing” Philosophy. You don’t kill a system because of a few bad apples. I rate it up there with the “defund the police” garbage.

In my opinion, both solutions are stupid. One makes it more work to report offenders, the other one is just dumb.

They never have been…

They were given a system of ‘citizens arrest’ until actual legal professionals can look at the case. The GM dismissing the case or actioning the offenders account would be the judge in this case.


With the the Reddit Booster Community AMA coming out

I feel more justified reporting.

Yah except I post it once every 10ish mins or less. So anyone who is upset by that is just a potato


It doesn’t have an intended purpose. It does, though, have a suggested purpose. I challenge you to produce any documentation that says that Trade chat is limited strictly to discussion of in-game commerce only.

I even showed Blue posts saying that.

Yeah, I shoulda scrolled just a little further before replying. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think I am on his ignore list anyways.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I am as well, based on past interactions over in CSF.

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Because the point of the post either clearly flew over your head or was just tossed aside. It’s asinine if someone is using trade chat to post an ad IAW the rules, and someone else reports the ad just because it interrupted a general conversation.

Fortunately the other person clarified that they saw the ads in /1 as well, which of course is against the rules since trade chat is intended for ad posting.

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Ha, look at the post right before yours as well. Sums up the issue with the squelching system. “I feel more justified reporting boosters because…reddit!!!”

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People who don’t run boosts will never understand. They think everyone is part of huokan spam or selling RMT lolol when honestly it’s generally just people running on their mains to get gold to buy consumes or boosts for alts.

Generally the people reporting are just very low skilled players who are struggling with content and angry that people can skip past that frustration I guess.

I’ve yet to see a 2500+ io / CE player truly complain about boosting lol we all hate the spam from huokan and others though so glad that is gone


Considering they’re taking their frustrations out on individuals who are following the rules, I would be inclined to agree.


It’ll calm down though with 9.2. Right now acquiring everything is a breeze because you can 2 man 15s and still time them.

Once 9.2 comes out these people will fall very far behind quickly and either cease playing or buy my boosts :slight_smile:


I’m going to fall into one of those “I don’t feel like doing KSM for the third time” categories and buy boosts either way. Hopefully the +20 portals will still be available so I can just buy those instead :smiley:

Don’t be shocked if you get random whispers in the game from someone on this forum at some point during 9.2. /whistle

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It works fine to me. It’s a lot easier to do now without all the advertising for boosts every other second. I reported someone yesterday who was advertising “1 last raid spot, going fast” for about 4 hours. I would log off, come back and they were still there.
I think the better option is not abuse the chat which would lead to being reported.

Edit: I don’t have anything against people selling boosts. I don’t do it. I do have an issue with players spamming the chat with sales. That’s why you all were shut down. Every other second there was a sales pitch from the SAME boosting community. If you want to sell boosts give the chat some time to settle down.

That is the majority of boost runs I’ve done. Usually for mid io alts who just want to afk and get caught up instead of grinding the pits of +12 hell.

Even selling 20s is sooo sparse. I think I’ve only done like 3 all season and it’s just for people who are stuck around 18-19s and can’t get a good group I think

I don’t think you’ll find many boosters who disagree. I hate the spam just as much as everyone else. I just used bad boy addon and blocked ALL of it pretty easily. Took like 10 seconds to set up then never saw another boost post.

Now I just have it set up to block thunderfury/ anal posts because those are just as rampant as boosting posts lol

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