Fix Skyfury today!

When pre-patch launched and we saw the queue times on Grob, my guild (who were no longer playing classic and only interested in playing Wrath) decided to start over along with some new friends. We prefer PvP servers so of course we picked Skyfury. This was an empty fresh start server. We had no clue that some large streamers would descend on this server increasing the population exponentially. We just wanted to play the game together and have fun.

After a week of play (which included a holiday weekend where many had much more time to play than normal so equate that with 3 weeks worth of progress), we can’t even play the game. All of us work and have families and the queue times have prevented us from playing and even if one or two get in, we can’t all play together. This has absolutely ruined the experience.

Unlike other servers, we have NO OPTIONS to avoid the queues. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. We are not responsible for the state of the servers. We are not going to “re-roll” and throw away the equivalent of 3 weeks of our time because Blizzard can’t manage it’s servers.

Fix this today. Give the players on Skyfury some option to transfer to some other server without queues. We don’t care if it’s Maladath, or (preferred) a new fresh start PvP server. Really ANY other server. But you need to address this.

You advertised, you said come and play. Now after a significant investment of time you are actively preventing us from playing and offering no options. You are burning a lot of bridges with players within my gaming community and guild. The kind that don’t get re-built. Buck up and fix it.


Its the only pvp fresh server. I don’t think streamers being there had any real impact on the population.


Clearly they don’t understand the demand. And it’s going to get worse as we get closer to Wrath launch.


I think once the hype dies down, the queues will go away, and with the closing of a lot of servers recently, I can see why they dont want to open too many. Remember at first, they didnt even have a PVE fresh option.

It’s probably a problem with how their backend is setup, but it be nice if there was a Skyfury-2 that could split the servers now, and then merge them back together once the hype subsides.


But Asmon does, for example 2 days ago I was fixing addons able to hop on and off.
As soon as my son got a notification Asmon was going to start streaming the queue went to 2 1/2 hours from 0 wait time.

Now is he responsible for it entirely no, but it adds alot to it.


I’m sure they have contributed, but my guild has no desire to be on the same server. Let us out!

And you know what is coming, when he leaves the server Alliance will be unbalanced again and Skyfury will again become Horde dominant.

I don’t think we’ll see any reprieve anytime soon. This is just pre patch. Once WoTLK launches it will get worse

Enough of this! Our time is valuable and we’re not going to spend it sitting in a queue. Enable transfers to ANYWHERE ELSE!


Yeah as a busy Dad my play time is limited, I came back to wow classic and decided to play on the fresh PVP server. I’ve got to level 40 and am loving the game. Skyfury has been great until this last week, 2hour+ login queues every night it just not doable for me.

Really hoping Blizz lets us transfer off Skyfury to a less busy realm, I’d take anything at this point just so I can play in the limited evening time I have.


You just described almost my entire gaming community. And now we’re trapped there.

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Let. Me. Leave. Skyfury.


The PvP server will drastically decline after sept 26. Hold tight!

you hold tight. My gaming community can only play in the evenings at prime time. Currently we are trapped there and if we have to wait a month or two, then Blizzard can refund everyone’s subs.

The geniouses at Blizz made only one fresh PVP server on only one coast, they should have made one PVP fresh on EACH coast, plain simple.

They are not even trying anymore(unless they are purpously trying to destroy everything), it’s one dumb decision after another. Just laughable.


I know, and now they are sticking their head in the sand like it’s not an issue every night. They actually seem to be intentionally driving players away.

Aggrend has already stated on the wow community council board basically that existing realms are more important than the new ones, and the new realms are NOT a priority for them over realms that have been here for years. You’ll find Aggrend saying basically that, with reason on this thread:

"So the fresh realms are a very unique situation and we want to be extremely careful about adding more realms. Adding a 2nd fresh PvP realm is very very likely to do one of two things:

  1. Lead to both realms being unhealthy in the long term.
  2. Essentially guarantee that one of the two realms becomes the “horde” server, and the other becomes the “alliance” server.

Additionally, Fresh realms are also much more likely to experience a bit of a decline once the game actually launches. Many people are leveling in fresh now during pre-patch but we expect some number of those players to return to their normal established servers and guilds once the expansion launches. This might be a situation where its better for us to weather the storm, as it were.

Lastly, the fresh realms’ total “footprint” of players isn’t nearly as large as a server like Faerlina or Benediction. These established older large realms will continue to swell as folks return who may be inactive unless moves occur, which is a different situation than Skyfury is in. While the queues on Skyfury are long, they aren’t as long as the other queuing mega-realms. If everyone in the queue for Benediction went to another realm, that realm would be queuing as well. That queue is more than double the capacity of the realm. If everyone in Skyfury’s queue went to another realm, it would be a fairly busy realm, but not nearly full. Skyfury and the 2nd realm may not survive that division long term.

Fast reactions to immediate problems are part of what got us here, and while our goal is to get everyone into the game as soon as we can, we also want to make sure Fresh realms are a long term success as well. We want to be extra sure that the only option is to open a new fresh realm before we do so."- Aggrend

I see you, I hear you. A lot of us are mad for you. There is no reason for the fresh realms to have no solution for their queues.

No u arent actually trapped anywhere. In your original post u said u werent going to do the other options. So lay in the bed u have made for yourself and enjoy the ques

Not how it works. You have access to retail servers and that’s what the sub promises. Besides if y’all only have a week of progress you should just start over on a different server. Get away from the streamers or accept having queues for 6 weeks