FIX shaman

PvP is trash on SoD period.

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Lmfao what a noob

Simple fix is this. Nerf the lightening shield reflective rune damage, buff the threat gen. Tie all the elemental specific bonuses to having flametongue on your weapon, all the tank stuff to rockbiter (and spread out the bonuses on way of the earth so it’s not all on a single rune) and all the enhance stuff, idk give em windfury and buff it a lil.

None of you understand anything. Forget the 100% fact that shaman are absolutely beyond broken in PvP to the point that they can literally solo 2-4 people back to back or at the same time depending on the shaman skills (which regardless shouldn’t be possible) but you have zero idea how ungodly stupid it is to play a mage vs literally any class any spec.
Mages sit at the bottom of the J tier of classes. F doesn’t even cover it. Provided we could instant cast our most powerful spell until we were out of mana we then become totems of uselessness. Punching bags. Stop whining about playing an S tier class and maybe complain more about general balance of the classes on a more substantial level than your already overpowered classes.


Please be specific and say the tank spec shaman. Cuz Ele’s or Ehn aren’t killing 2-4 people back to back. lol

A bunch of people have ask for mage buffs. Myself being one of them, its one of my favorite class. Just please dont buff only instant damage and stop giving everyone and their mother 2 or 3 gap closers. Allow counter play.

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you have clearly never vs’d a good, geared shockadin. 1800 holy shocks plus 1k exorcisms drop you quick.


you arent seeing the big picture on what i suggested.

ls damage is low enough (even with the 100% ls damage boost from the trinket) that it can be healed through.

the insta proc lava burst that is 100% crit with fs on the target is what is gonna kill you.

if you are being rotted down with fs and ls , you really need to invest into running with some healers or some ranged classes that dont feed into the tank shamans blocks and make them even stronger.

but whatever, do what i said AND do the ls change if needed and boost the threat to nutty levels and make pve tanking even easier.

it needs addressed anyways so do a deep dive in all the tank specs and be done with it.

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Organized PVP isn’t the only consideration of balance for LS. It’s too strong for all aspects of the game including solo farming, leveling, solo pvp, and organized PVP. There’s more to the issues than just being healed through it in specifically BGs.

I take just as much damage from flame shock. There’s a ton of damage that goes out from shaman in PVP. It’s not just this proc. And to focus on that as the sole issue is I think a detriment to the discussion.

Flame Shock instant can crit for around 1k average in PVP, and Lightning Shield hitting for 500 on every attack isn’t exactly being “rotted down” not to mention, again, that organized premade BGs are not the only thing that matters.

you can say organized pvp not being the only thing that matters but…

wpvp is an unbalanced mess of 1 shots and idiocy that will not ever be balanced and nerfing everything down to where an ape can be sucessful with any class vs any class in a pug setting isnt a preferrable way to go about things either.

organized bg pvp is the thing to balance from cause it makes more sense to balance something you can put auras like + hp or whatever in the bg only along with actual considerations of skilled play instead of the unorganized mess where anything can happen.

organized bg pvp is more “scripted” in a way and way more able to replicate results to be interrated on.

also, i couldnt care less about what people do in pve in terms of solo /leveling/ grinding as its not a competitive aspect of the game save for parsing which is its own thing entirely .

the fact is , organized bg pvp is the platform to balance off of cause everything else is way too chaotic and even more unbalanced than that.

Clearly lmao. These posts from anyone on the Alliance are always hilarious to me. Devs definitely play Paladin. Sure, they might have Shaman alts, but Pally mains for sure. Must be hard to see the most broken class in the game when they’re sitting on your side of the table.

I can because it’s true. You can deflect the point all you want, that’s not going to make it untrue.

But not the only thing to balance. LS does too much aoe passive damage. Just flat out. Period. End of discussion. The ability on the face in how it is designed is bad for the game and needs to be changed.

paladins being not even middle of the pack dps, and getting multiple nerfs with TERRIBLE set bonuses in AQ? Horde players are huffing some massive copium.

Look up irony in the dictionary. Is this the standard level of education in the US?

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We’re talking about PvP in this here thread fella. Take your parses elsewhere lol.

I have never had any issue hitting pallys. Most of them rock 2h weapons too so there isnt any block most of the time. Unlike shaman, ele, tank, heals, all use shields so its very common to find a shielded shaman but rarely do you see shielded pallys. Atleast during bloodmoon.

Except for the idk, Pally bubble? lol…

Blood moon is 30 min pally bubble is 5 min cd and last 10 seconds. Do the math on the uptime vs shaman which is basically melee immune full uptime. Id fight a pally over shaman any day.


Who the hell is still doing Blood Moon?

Exactly you dont even pvp so how would you even know what your talking about.

Uh huh. And shaman still outperform paladins in that arena too. And got nerfed. More than shaman ever have. Next made up lie?

Lots of people. Not to mention it’s the one place where Alliance are likely to fight paladins.