FIX shaman

I mean if you get 2 shot in a BG… You clearly have 0 gear. And saying there is NOTHING you can do just says you’re a BUM. You can ground hoj you can trinket hoj you can sprint away from bubble with wolves. And no geared shaman is getting globed by a paladin in a BG…

Paladins wear mostly pve gear and fall right over. Shamans skey around and take like 50% reduced damage at all times…And never get crit.

Nah dood enh is fine just ask zirene. Enh doesn’t need heals because of strong defensives like sham rage. Also 2h enh with a second attack? broo that would be WAY too OP. Imagine if a enh shaman connected with you before they died and actually did damage? Dood nah.

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Really good breakdown of the matchup for shamans and same with @Gskherald. I dont know the matchup very well so i didnt comment. But the entire time i was reading im like… your right… oh true… hes correct…ect

Yes shamans are amazing in pvp they have an everything proof shield, a null to all slows, and a long stun to shut down people long enough to kill them. They do lose some pvp effectiveness when those are on cd though.

Well you can play the game atleast. 2 hand enhance has to respec to tank shaman or get folded up. That’s just the reality of the spec. I noticed you said “ret paladin vs shaman” earlier . Which kind of shaman , certainly can’t be ALL or Any shaman. There’s legitimately 1 way to play shaman right now and that’s some cringe tanky flameshock tank build.

Atleast as ret you can actually play the spec as it’s intended.

But sure I mean everyone on these forums just say blanketed but SHAMANS. When they are all talking about same broken ele tank builds. Meanwhile enhance is literal garbage tier and has been since the start of P5.

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you can’t block while casting


If you dont spec deep into Resto for purification. Riptide heals for a… hold on to something… 600, yes… you read it right on average it heals for 300 on the initial heal and 300 over “15 secs”… That is NOT saving an Ele or Ehn shaman. It only looks op on a tank shaman cuz they block so much. Oh, and tank shamans get mana back when they block. lol

Oh, Noes totems that die when looked at. Yes, grounding, decoy totems are great. They arent ground breaking.

I kinda wish for classic+ they make totems more important to use and not so easily destroyed.

I play on both Alliance and Horde. I have come to the realization that it’s not the class, it’s the faction.
When I’m on Alliance, Alliance doesn’t communicate at all, they just sit around and wait until there is 5+ of them and then move, by then Horde has already rotated and it’s too late. Rarely ever any healers on Alliance as well. Idk if it’s because the first time around Alliance just purposely lost the games deeming it faster honor per hour and they have been stuck in that way since or what…
Whenever I’m on Horde and we lose it feels like a premade and we get steam rolled no matter how much Shamans we have. Alliance just aren’t pvpers, they also refuse to do anything alone. It’s wild.

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they are fixed. its called “anniversary”

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rets have to go shockadin to compete or get folded by any tank/eleresto shaman + boomie/hunters.

600 beats hardcasts of FoL which heal for 250 or less for rets.
You can instantly heal for 600 in a gcd whereas rets need 2 gcds, and that is just the cast, you get a chance to proc an instant chain heal.
You are hard trolling if you think rets are still superior and this isn’t OP alongside Shamanistic Rage. No interaction with anyone to gain a lot of mana on 1min CD.

Mispresentation #1, they are legit the best totems whilst being able to eat multiple spells which were casted in the same GCD.

Mispresentation #2.

Seriously stop defending this blatant brokenness, you and other shaman players look like clowns.

Who is mispresenting here? 300 initail heal and 300 over 15 secs. A damn auto attack will make the heal neglectful.

Have never said that… but paladins dont have any mana problem unless they try and heal. I have said before they should fix hybrid healing.

Stop being blinded by Shaman hate.

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just give shaman to alliance

watch how fast it gets nerfed

Yep ziqo just rerolled tank shaman and solos alliance and horde groups because shamans are so bad.

Any shaman saying shamans aren’t good or better than paladins, are just terrible players.

You can kill a ret or shockadin quite easily, especially if they don’t have their 5min bubble cd.

Tank shaman is just stupid in a PvP setting. So much sustain, healing and damage while not losing any mana or having to hardcast. Just pump out a 5k flameshock instant and watch a group rot while you insta lavaburst.

it a bug with shield mastery it does happen. (but yea its not 50% for sure). You can even block in ghost wolf form with shield mastery. (also a bug).

But again its the defensive problem overall that the game seems to have right now.

I swear to god… people are so damn dumb. “I saw a streamer do this and that and was OP”. Ziqo has the best possible gear handed to him and is a better player then .1% of the population.

I bet you an equally skill and geared shockadin will beat a tank shaman. Can’t block spells and if you can’t block you dont gain mana back and the major draw of the spec is gone.

Tank spec shouldn’t work in pvp. With that We agree on. But stop for trying to say people a streamer makes it look easy it should be nerf. lol 80% of the players he is killing in BRM are in pve spec and problably w/o a pvp trinket trying to get into an instant. When he has taken the spec into bgs he hasnt had as much fun. Have you watched Swifty? It plays a different tank spec goes deep down into resto. Sh1t is boring as hell. lol

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And Paladins.

even if we assume that shockadin can kill anyone outside of greens in 4 globals - shaman hard counter paladin.

a shaman should never lose to a paladin

Ah the famous 31/31/31 spec.

Outside of RNG power surge procs A shockadin will do more damage while the ele has to hard cast most of the time. Drop a grounding? judge it or melee it. Oh, the feral spirits 2 sec stun on a 1 min cd will turn the tide. /smh

I do love using granades to get a 2 sec cast off. =)

Which is why they always deflect to complain that boomkins and hunters are OP. “No really guys, these only two classes that counter me are the problem I promise.”


I’ve never, and I mean NEVER seen a shaman hard cast anything other than a heal. So those shaman be doing something, because they aren’t hard casting. Just sounds like you suck.


maybe with 5 pc zg set for the 10% (up from 5%) proc off ticks chance.

rng is rng though, and honestly sometimes it never happens and sometimes it happens as fast as you can press the button.

it never seems to be a middle ground.

best idea i could come up with would be for way of earth to lockout power surge usage . like it would disable it or something.

not sure theres really any tanks using it outside of pvp so it might be a way to do it.