FIX Scaling please, everything overtuned after prepatch!

agree that bliz apparently intentionally nerfed our characters against pve, especially no longer relevant pve


That’s interesting, I have seen a few people indicate that mage is an issue for them. I’ll see if I can get some of my guildies to try.

Squish should be proportional. If I kill a mob in 3 hits for 500k damage before, I should be killing it in 3 hits for 5k damage now. Same goes for mob damage.


I would argue that for Stonecore in chromie time to wiping groups is keeping with the spirit of Stonecore in Cata lol.



Taking 1 min 30 seconds+ to kill a mob I used to rip through in 15 means the scaling is off, imo.


I would absolutely agree with you. Of all the dungeons I like how Stonecore is tuned the most. The issue is that the tuning is wildly inconsistent.

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I shudder at the thought of the next Timewalking event.

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Many of us complained about the squish because we knew stuff would break, I specifically said on multiple occasions about things would end up being overturned simply because that’s what happened with the other two squishes but naw, everyone was like “hur dur it’s just a number nothing will change, stop whining”.

Suck it up now.
And don’t expect things will change, after the first way back in wod we never went back to the same power level, people will just tell you that on max level it’ll get a bit better when in reality your max lvl sl character will never feel as strong as yout max lvl bfa character which felt weaker than your legion max level which was weaker than your wod max level.


I just tested that I could still kill a level 1 critter w/o a problem so scaling is fine.


Seems like the dev team have been having years of problems tuning and balancing our characters levels to the mobs levels.

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You mean we’re not walking gods and are adventurers again? Isn’t that what people were begging for?


I’m sorry but this is wrong, stat squish and level squish are 2 totally different things. If this was implemented properly we should have a virtual zero change in how difficult the content is for BfA and below. The “challenging” content starts in SL when we have to “regain” our power.


No? The squish was sold as a number crunch only. Also many of us HATE scaling. Any other questions?


Only forum trolls are begging for this to rile up normal players. I was never going around soloing a m+ dungeon or even a normal dungeon before. But not being able to solo a mob tuned for less than 370 gear with my 445 geared toon is not acceptable.


This is very true.
Many mobs and content were meant for people who had already leveled through and had a full kit of spells and abilities to counter/deal with mechanics of the world mobs/dungeon bosses.

Now with the squish and loosing a lot of those abilities, low levels coming into content dealing with mobs that were tuned and had mechanics based on players having talents and skills in their trees to counter/deal with those mechanics. Now those same mobs are STILL using mechanics etc that the players AT level for them now DO NOT have the tools or skills unlocked yet to counter or deal with said mechanics.
Example BFA was meant for people who had leveled through and had pretty much their entire toolkit unlocked from leveling. Now you have level 10’s entering BFA content with a HANDFUL of abilities to use and most still locked until unlocked as they level and facing mobs originally meant for people with full talent trees are now going up against people with nothing unlocked yet…simply not enough tools for the job so to speak

And what is more funny about it is Blizzard themselves saying many times that all the content we were doing now would still be able to be done as it has been and we would still feel as strong as we were.


I think some people wanted the STORY to reflect that we were not these grand champions…but thats not the same as player power lol


One glaring thing with the squish is the power of Essences.
Specifically the damage dealing ones.
They are not doing nearly as much damage % wise as they were before.
Weak stuff I could one-shot with some essences now loses 40-50% health instead.


There will always be contrarians who get off on just saying the most triggering opinion just to get off at the angry reactions. Ignore the trolls or report them and move on.

This thread however is about facts and not opinions. We were nerfed and it’s negatively impacting our game-play. I have many alts and I was perfectly ok waiting for a group on LFG to kill a difficult Elite mob in Nazjatar but I have no time to wait for a group to form for a forgotten mob in Arathi or Darkshore.

Everything has been nerfed, I would think that they would undertune things to compensate for the loss of Corruptions but it seems like someone with a sadistic streak is calling the shots on the nerf bat.


Yea. My wife just resubbed after not having played any in BfA and her fresh little hunter was making it, but struggling trying to do all the catchups to unlock Zandalari and finish the war campaign.

I made her life easier on my guardian but for someone just starting without any help, could be a little rougher.

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Agreed. I expect this for Shadowlands, but not BFA content.