Fix premades in PVP

Blizzard did do something to break up the urge to premade. It is called TBC, where they completely redid the honor system, and added in Arenas.

i just wish they hadnt made bg’s cross server. i would have preferred each server to have its own different pvp scene

I think you mean Horde are always winning cause the last time Alliance has won a game was over a month ago for me.

And I love reporting half the team as multiboxers and botters. Real ace gameplay experience Blizzard

#nochanges is really the only justification for premades. It’s a good one. The issue is that, at this stage of the game, there were twinks and premades in pvp. Now, Blizzard solved those problems, in future expansions. But here, in 1.12, it’s still a thing.

It’s a shame, though. Two pugs, battling it out, is fun and awesome. You never know what you’ll get. You win some; you lose some. But, when it’s a premade, there is no fight. A pug learns to work together, or not, throughout the BG, but it takes time. Against a premade, there’s no time, and the pug starts with deficient organization.

Which is why they completely revamped things in TBC. Let’s be honest here, Vanilla PvP was garbage, thanks to how the Honor system worked, and the only reason people didn’t see it at the time was because they hadn’t had 15 years to figure out everything. In TBC, you have massive changes to the honor system, which de-emphasizes time played and honor per hour as deciding factors, and adds in Arena, as well, which caters more to the premade crowd.

I don’t think it’s garbage, except that it lends itself to what I guess could be called “exploitation.” As I wrote, when not facing a premade, it’s fun…to me, at least. I recognize that “fun,” like most things, is in the eye of the beholder.

The vanilla honor system was something that sounded good on paper but then flopped horribly in practice. The concept of getting pvp ranks is nifty but getting them as a metric of time played instead of skill in a competition against your faction was horrible.

funning how you should blast op for ab failage do to poorly thought of ab. considering ally dont sit in quue for any bg longer than 30 seconds… so yea i agree with op 110%

Oh, there are moments of fun to be had, if PvP is your bag, but the way the system is set up is heavily weighted towards time played and premades, so you either premade, or you get stomped most of the time. Like, 99% of the problems people bring up about PvP in Classic all were solved in TBC, either through direct fixes, or by changing the conditions that fostered those problems.

AFKing in BGs? No PvP ranks, so you’re not really helping yourself here.
Premades in BGs? Why do that when you have Arena?
World PvP? Here are several world objectives that give nice, zone-wide bonuses, to encourage people to PvP over them. Also, no vanilla honor system, so no need for murderballs.
AV? The map got changed. Now find another reason to explain the losses.

All that you wrote is true. The pvp system leaves itself open for people to take the easiest way possible, the path of least resistance. Still, isn’t that on the people playing it? Don’t they choose to do it as they do?

So, if you introduce another system, in BC, for example, then won’t the people who think and play that way (whether they boost, buy gold, form premades, ect.) find another way?

The system makes their behavior likely, but only if they’re likely to behave that way anyway. A moot point? I guess. Just sayin’… :slight_smile:

Yes, arena rating boosting is a thing now and will be a thing in TBC. People just don’t talk about it.

TBC Classic will be min/max too although there aren’t world buffs which is nice in a lot of ways.

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It is less ‘the system makes their behavior likely’ and more ‘water flows downhill, trying to get it to do anything else is problematic’.

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Yes the arena system was also a mess with win trading.

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