Yeah it’s definitely not as simple as all premades are hardcore full teams.
What i would favor is decreasing honor based on the ratio of premades on each team. So say WSG 10 man premade goes against a pure pug team the premade get 1/10 the honor but a 5 man premade with 5 pugs going against a full pug would get say 1/2 the honor.
That would strongly discourage premades from trying to pug stomp without punishing smaller groups too much.
I actually brought up how bad premades were getting months ago. Thing is I would like to find a happy middle ground, but people are so polarized, and act like turdbiscuits you cant have a real discussion on these forums. That’s why I dont usually give serious responses to illiterate people like you.
Have fun arguing in this toxic abyss guys. I’ma go do some BGs.
the best part is, you still havent explained what the meaningful differences are between arathi basin and alterac valley. you literally called me out then sank back into your cave lol. im disappointed really. ive never done arathi basin before so i was curious.
That’s an interesting idea. It very well might destroy all incentive to premade queue however. Or like with my idea, the new “meta” might become queueing with around half premades. This would be enough to most likely win the match vs pug, but not enough to severely handicap honor gain
But an interesting idea I hadn’t heard before. Either way, it’s still arguably more sweeping than just the AV tweaks. And we still have the problem that blizz does not 1.) read the forums or 2.) care
So in vanilla, the majority of players solo queued. So if you queued solo, chances are you got into a match vs a team of other solo players, and you had a competitive game
In classic, the vast vast majority of players queue with a full team. This means if you solo queue in classic, chances are you will be matched against a full team that your pug not only will not be able to beat (or get a single flag cap or hold a single node in ab) but in most cases no one will get a single kill before you lose
“if you can’t beat em, why not join them?” Sure, then why even have a solo queue option? It’s basically an entire part of BG’s that doesn’t exist. It would be like naxx is released but no gear drops from there. No one would do naxx. So why even have it?
what makes you think im having any emotional response at all? you are making excuses as to why the entire system needs to be revamped in order to better suit your casual needs.
It’s even worse, premades actively avoid fighting other premades. So while a pug vs pug match will easily last 20 minutes. Premades just throw their matches so they can get a 5 minute pug roll. Which cascades into pugs being matches against premades even more often.
His, mine, and tens of thousands of others. The reason the “fix bg” threads have a combined thousand+ responses is that it’s a big issue
Dunno if you know this, but 70%+ of players of games, including MMO’s, are casuals. Screw with them too hard, make them quit, and you have dead servers
most of the responses are me trying to explain to you people that you dont understand the importance of being in a group during battlegrounds. literally 100% of every reply to “fix bg” posts are different versions of “ya got beat? why? you played against a premade? any plans on solving that problem yourself? no? youd rather blizzard just change everything for everyone?” yeah bro its been like this since alterac valley was released. this is just human nature. complain until you get your way.