FIX MMR its killing PVP

Wanna hug it out?

We’re just running in circles here chief

I give incredible hugs

:notes: :musical_note: :notes: :musical_note: :notes:
Why can’t we be friends?
Why can’t we be friends?
:notes: :musical_note: :notes: :musical_note: :notes:

:mega: :notes: :musical_note: :notes: :musical_note: :notes:
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can’t live without you, no
:mega: :notes: :musical_note: :notes: :musical_note: :notes:

I’m looking forward to them posting in a couple of weeks that they should have uncapped MMR sooner. Oops.

I guess they leave themselves stuff to learn each season.

And then they start all over again next expansion.

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This is most likely how it will go too.

hands you a box of chocolates and roses :chocolate_bar: :rose: :rose: :rose:


My low MMR resulted in me losing my job, my wife, my house, and my dog. This is not OK. Please do your part to raise awareness.


We praying for you my brother


multi r1s and AWC players are at 2100-2300cr right now

I don’t need to go that far, I see it every day, in almost every lobby there is AT LEAST an R1/Multi-Duelist at 1500~1600mmr (where I’ve been sitting forever).

An update on ratings has been posted: Season 2 MMR Issues - #2 by Bornakk


Ah, wonderful. Thanks for the attention and update.

Continuing the discussion from Season 2 MMR Issues:

Line go up. :chart_with_upwards_trend:


I wish actual numbers were released so we could get a gauge on if this is going to have any tangible effect or not.

I also get the feeling from the tone of the post that the absolute weight of just how poorly mmr has been treated this season is, unfortunately, lost on Blizzard.

I was expecting more of a “wow, we really made a mistake this time around” type of tone instead of a “well, here are some incremental changes that will nudge people a bit more, but nothing too serious” tone.

Oh well, better than nothing. And with how vague it is, it might actually turn out to be better than I’m imagining anyway. Line go up indeed.


Does this inflation change only apply to 3s/2s or shuffle as well?

Would also love to know how the systems are to work more specifically. How much lower is shuffle suppose to be? When does it increase/decrease?

Like is its inflation set to be 100 pts or so less than 3s, etc

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I imagine it’s one of those things where they increase MMR, see how it affects participation and then make further adjustments. There’ll be an uptick in play off them simply letting us know that “number go up”.

Now that the brackets have been brought in line I imagine it’s across the board. It’d be kind of arbitrary for this to only apply to 3v3 (or any singular bracket). There’s also no mention of specific brackets.


All I really got out of that post is that I’m not going to bother queuing for 1.5 weeks then

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Are you able to give us specifics on just how much inflation there will be injected into the system?

Also is reverting back to % cutoffs up for discussion internally? Asking because it seem like inflation requires constant management and resources, and the level of inflation has never been consistent between seasons (for as long as I’ve played while inflation has been a thing).

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Wow it only took a riot in the AWC chat for us to be noticed. Go figure.

Thanks though. Now fix Blackjack.


Any future plans to fix the healer MMR issue? There are healers LOSING MMR for going 4:2 because of the MMR disparity between the other healer they got matched with.

A healer should never lose MMR for tying with a 3:3 and especially not for winning at a 4:2. That’s objectively a failure of the matchmaking system.

Healers in general have lower MMR/CR than the DPS and it’s attributing to the higher DPS queue times (why queue healer when it’s easier to climb as a DPS?).


Great, now nerf Precog or buff the melee version with the dmg buff for getting snared and everything will be wonderful once again

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cool what about healer mmr in rss? what about healer incentives?

this nothing


Are there any plans for better healer incentives in RSS?

Right now, it’s harder to climb the ladder as a healer. That’s not good if we want more healers in RSS.


I’m honestly curious as to how this is performing. The damage doesn’t seem like the worst.