FIX MMR its killing PVP

Got suspended (well perma’d and appealed) from the forums for doing that

Made a “destro needs a nerf” thread and lost my cool LOL

Not sure why people keep pointing to 2s as to what proves something is wrong. A lot of the players people keep saying They are running into at low ratings in 2s have been doing viewer and meme 2s for multiple expacs and see them those ranges. 2s to me isn’t good example because it’s kind of be a meme bracket for a while. Now seeing R1s/Pros in the 3s bracket at 1800 to 2100 and the same in RSS at this point of the season that is an issue. There is no separation right now from R1s, high glads, low glads, duelist etc. It’s really bunched up when usually it’s started to separated or already has.

2s was the bracket the vast majority of casual pvpers played

it was the bracket you would take your nooby friend into to “show them what arena is like” in a casual setting where you didn’t need to worry about finding a 3rd.

2s was the introduction to pvp for a lot of people

It was the bracket most people get their first 1800 in (by being helped by a close friend)

Was also the bracket you’d go into if you were trying to learn a class. This was due to games being very long, and it was very forgiving if you had a friend that could heal you.

I’d agree with this

The fact that you’re seeing lifelong 1700 arena players pushing 2100 (right now) in solo shuffle bumping into the “best of the best” indicates a problem imo

Has really made people that don’t like shuffle quit

“git-gud” isn’t a solution I’m okay with. I’ve been a 2200-2300 player ever since I started to take arena seriously, I get elite/glad on the inflated seasons (I’ll admit it idgaf. I don’t care that much to take it anymore serious than that.)

Right now in the current itteration of the game, since I don’t like solo shuffle 2100 in 2s/3s seems almost unattainable.

I shouldn’t be forced to play solo shuffle to get the shiny enchant. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t.


None of this counters what I said about the players people keep mentioning being at the ratings they are. They have been playing there for a while via viewer 2s, capping toons, capping alts, doing 1v2’s for content etc etc. I am not arguing any of the things you said above.

Life long 1700 players are pushing 2100 right now? Maybe last season not this season,

Believe right now 2100 in RSS is pretty hard to get.

Your right you shouldn’t, that happened 1 season so far though. It’s not happening this season. RSS seems to be literally capped at 2400 and even though 2s/3s is deflated it’s not capped.

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Confused how you think experienced arena players not being able help their casual friends get 1800 anymore for transmog, or get them enchant themselves hurts the game. The game mode I loved got completely and utterly wrecked.

Also confused how you don’t understand shorter games mean it’s more frustrating to learn

It’s like trying to learn FPS in a battle royale. Good luck.

Pushing 2100 is rival 2.

None this is even what I am arguing lol. People are using 2s as a reason things are deflated right now but mentioned R1s playing in low ratings. I am saying there have been R1s in low ratings for a while now in 2s for multiple reasons, it’s not new to season 2 of Dragonflight.

Ok I know that, but people that are lifelong 1700 players are not pushing 2100 right now. That was the case in season 1.

You need to make your arguement more clear then

Because I see rank 1s being at 1900 in 2s a massive issue

Do you want me to find one

I stopped queueing healer to protest. If I want to farm conq now, I’m going WW to add to the queue times while I afk and if I don’t get my 3 wins I’m /afking out

Deal with it


Idk I was pretty clear, because I never said it wasn’t an issue either. I am just saying it’s not new to season 2. Not sure where the hang up here is.

Ok sure. But finding one doesn’t prove your point because you said players. You can’t find 1 or 2 and be like “LOOK AT ALL THESE LIFE LONG 1700 PLAYERS GETTING 2100!”.

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I mean there are still zero healers at 2400 in NA when I looked this morning. Kind of nutty honestly.


How many do I need to find

As many as you want to show that it’s out of the norm.

oh I just pvp checked you

carry on comrade o7

You know way more about this game and it’s issues than me



Of course you’re not going to agree with me that you see tons of 1700 players at rival 2 in solo shuffle

You’re a lifelong 1700 player that can’t see 1500 in shuffle

I agree. Theres absolutely no point in qing right now. Most people dont q for the fun gameplay they Q for the rewards and then mabye have fun after that.

Good argument. I am actually lifelong 1800 thank you. Good way to get out of proving your point though lol.

we’re both wrong tbh it’s like 50/50

EDIT: I’m more right than you final answer

yea I pretty much stopped doing arena all together at this point

Got it, you either can’t or are to lazy prove your point so you are linking information that everyone else can see to prove something. You amazing got super triggered arguing with me over stuff I was never arguing in the first place. I love the forums.