FIX MMR its killing PVP

If u find out let me know cuz from what I saw it was pure caca. Apparently it only effects your next auto attack?

Like compare that to mini lust and cc immune, lol.



Eh, no. Embellishments in general are meant to be like 1-2% damage. Precog is a bit of an anomaly in this regard because it’s cc immunity + haste that scales off missed kicks.

This is not enough.


That…remains to be seen.


Exactly, so either throw Precog into the nerf chipper to make it in line with the melee one or buff the melee version.

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Yeah they need to nerf casters and precog too.

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Where are you getting the idea that they are supposed to be equal in power?

I think that having it scale off potential lockout duration might be nice. Or maybe it shorter in general. Or less haste. Then maybe buff gathering storm a bit, yeah. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: The damage on gather already seems like it might be okay for an embellishment.

It’s kind of weird and awkward to have a caster bandaid when they’re already overperforming that also outperforms every other alternative in its category.

“cast bad melee ook ook good”

Then also grant it a freedom effect to match their cc immune. Or not freedom but a suppressor

Sure, but precog attempts to lessen a fundamental problem with casters and them overperforming can be handled in different areas.

No matter how good casters are doing, getting chain kicked on casts is an issue. The fix is either something like precog or make every single cast instant.

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Is it? When there’s so much damage in instants and/or multiple spell schools? I get that casters generally underperform at bunga mmr but precog isn’t the fix to that because in the depths they don’t even know that the male human fury warrior missed pummel.


Yes, that’s why there have been multiple iterations of precog over the last 2 expansions and also a prevalence of casters with instant casts being almost always preferred.

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Missing Necro Frost Mage

Just pure hardcasted skill based gameplay


Hoping they inject like 100-200 rating inflation next week. IIRC in season one when they discussed this it was like 25 rating inflation a week? So if it’s suppose to be “substantial” I’m guessing it would be triple or more the normal weekly amount.

Actually below is the link they said <15 is too low, but >20 was too high. But they were going to do 20 a week starting week 10 in S1z

Yeah, last season it was delayed until week 10 and then 20 per week.

chain kicked? no, but chain micro-CC’d? yes.

the haste/duration are really the only precog elements that may need tuning, but the CC immunity is absolutely necessary even if it is a band-aid to M+ design over the last few expansions spilling over in PvP

A few things:

Why? If RSS is he most played bracket shouldn’t the highest ratings come from there? This is just handicapping other brackets to favor another. Not saying it should be like season 1 by any means but this just sounds like “we capped RSS to favor 3s”.

Was this communicated at the start of the season somewhere and I missed it? If it wasn’t it should have been.

The community noticed this too, and has been screaming about it for weeks. This is where communication comes in. Even a simple “hey we noticed this too and are monitoring it” weeks ago would have been better than silence.

I am assuming this means for all brackets? Doesn’t really specify. And will more adjustments be made outside of this upcoming week if there is still deflation issues?

Would be nice if we got a little more communication on this and what was affecting the ladder so far this season. Participation? To much of an adjustment on your end? Was it an actual bug like was being speculated?

I am glad this is being adjusted and hopefully puts some life back into the ladder. I am just hoping we hear something about some of the other issues that are affecting the ladder like the healer issues and incentives as well soon and in the future hopefully issues like this get communicated to us quicker rather they the community screaming for weeks about it. The communication part is the most frustrating part for me at least.


Destro/frost fell way out of S tier after the original precog trinket nerf.

Eh, I’d say the addition of kicks to every single class over the years is also partly to blame with this arms race, but I’d agree that micro-CC is more of an issue.

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that’s not necessarily untrue, but good casters were already juking everyone’s kick so the bigger issue was you could juke a DH or DK for example and you’d just get stunned, prison, aoe stun, grip, stun, etc

zero thought required just press buttons to stop the casts until kick was back

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