Fix MMR in solo shuffle before everyone quits

Says the guy rated 2400 in Blitz and 0 in Solo Shuffle.


Yeah no one plays the fake bracket now.

Less people playing, less rounds played, less MMR.

It’s not a cap, it’s natural.

Plus, I really hate to tell ya, but with the lowering of the enchant to 1950 and the lowering of the elite weapons to 2100, it seems like the condensing of ratings was intended.

Not true, look at the stats, over the last 72 hours there’s been 110k players in Solo Shuffle and close to 80k players in Blitz games.

I do believe that Solo Shuffle will lose players because of this MMR cap. People like to progress and if the only way to do so right now is in Blitz, it’s natural some will queue that instead. You should not be going against AWC players constantly at 1900 cr while in Blitz, you see no-name player’s at 2400+.

If you are correct about lowing the enchant/elite weapons because of a capped MMR which you believe is working as intented in Solo Shuffle, why not do the same for Blitz?

For the record, you should really be using check-pvp as, for their activity metrics, they combine api and active scan for the most thorough results.

From checkpvp in the last 24 hours

Solo shuffle: 310.9k games (rounds) so approximately 51.5k lobbies, 6 players each. Approximately 310k rating calculations over the course of 24 hours.

Blitz: 123.3k lobbies. 8 players each. Almost 1,000,000 rating calculations over the course of 24 hours.

But let’s look at a couple specs

Retribution Paladin
Shuffle: 784 characters have played at least one shuffle in the last 24 hours.
Blitz: 1396 characters have played at least one Blitz in the last 24 hours.

Fury warrior
Shuffle: 886
Bkitz: 1338

Havoc DH
Shuffle: 520
Blitz: 709

Anyone who tries to say there’s more players playing shuffle and that there are more lobbies in shuffle than Blitz right now are just giga coping at best and being intentionally disingenuous at worst.

Shuffle should just get deleted at this point. It’s a useless bracket that people clearly don’t actually enjoy unless it is funneling them free rating.

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It’s awful.

In the span of an hour I went from playing against average mediocre scrubs who didn’t interrupt to multiglads.

There’s a big problem if the ratings are so condensed that you can even feasibly queue into players of such a different skill level in the span of an hour.

At this point I’m convinced anyone denying there’s a problem has not even attempted to experience it.


Because people aren’t pressing Q. It really is as shrimple as that.

Low ratings happen when people dont press Q. For example there was a season in WOD where the Gladiator cutoff was like 2320 or something

Yes, the problem is lack of ppl playing not mmr.

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Yeah, just delete an entire game mode instead of implementing a simple fix. I guess the world revolves around you and your preferences. No one is asking for free rating (like you get in Blitz right now and seem to be enjoying), we just want the literal best players in the world to be higher rated than 1900-2100 in Solo Shuffle. This wall in SS is leading to less people pressing queue and destroying the format.

I’ll leave it at that because you’re obviously a forum giga-chad and I just don’t have the time to full debate you on this. I think I’ve got my point across. Take care.

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Giving players in a dying bracket free rating because feelings isn’t a simple fix. It’s pandering.

You didn’t have a point. You have whining. You tried to use numbers to back up your argument, i showed you real numbers and than you pivoted to “yeah but people just want…” i look forward to you fulfilling your promise of not engaging further though. It’s hard arguing with peoples’ feelings. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Played any 5v5 lately?


Yeah because Nahj and Kalvish are hardstuck 2100 players. You really are deluded lol!

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No they are hard stuck w/e rank that is (probably top of the rankings).

I never thought of that.

P.S solo shuffle is the most active bracket.

No its not. See the post two posts after the one you responded to.

So you’re saying that Rank 1 in Solo Shuffle should be lower than Elite ranking? I don’t get the push back here.

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This is why we should go back to % titles. Hard number cutoffs just create hurt feelings.


I depends on where you go for stats, but the bottom line is both formats are active.

In week 2 or 3? Why not?

Sure but where are they active? I would assume, based off where the choke hold is, that people are getting 18-1950cr (for the illusion) and quitting due to no good rewards past that for the bracket. Essentially holding the mmr hostage.

I use actual numbers, not alternative facts and feelings. Sorry that doesn’t like “mesh with your vibe”, man.

“Actual numbers” you get from one website, while others trust another website. Like I said before, I guess the world does truly revolve around you and your “facts and feelings,” everyone else is wrong. There’s many top PvP’ers that have been around for ages, making the same complaint about Solo Shuffle right now. But no, the keyboard champ Seratox knows better! Enjoy stroking your keys mate.