FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

these threads actually tempt me to do a run through lfr and attempt to snatch some tier gear for the reaction alone lol.

Again what does that have to do with people wanting to raid?

I never said anything bad about people who only LFR.

I mean it’s pretty comical you’re parse shaming on heroic because you can’t refute the valid points I made.

Keep with the personal attacks. It means I know I won :heart:

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I got set hands from the vault which I disenchanted. I then did LFR and won 2 set tokens from 1 boss. They ended up being duplicate set hands again. They both got disenchanted.

Yep. Group loot is working perfectly. Amirite???

It was in reference to your comment about finding a guild to raid with. Try to keep up.

I’m parse shaming you because you need your ego checked. You argue with people online over dumb things to try to feel superior when in reality you’re slightly above average at best. The fact you think there is a win or lose to these petty arguments speaks volumes.

You encountered a known bug that is being fixed. I guess whatever makes you feel edgy though.

That doesn’t even make sense. If people only want to raid LFR they don’t need a guild /facepalm.

No I don’t. I never claimed to be good. I just find it ironic you’re parse shaming as a BM hunter lol.

Never have I claimed anything different.

I mean you’re the one that’s continuing to try and insult me which means you’re clearly mad.

You initiated the conversation and are the one getting mad.

Another pointless post with no basis in fact

The person needing an ego check saying he doesn’t need an ego check. How surprising.

Oh, pookie… there was no try. It was successful :^)

I’m not angry at all. I already said if you wanted the last word you can have it. But I feel like your ego won’t allow you to ask for it. I’ll have to decide on my own to give you it or not. But, before I do, I’m going to suggest you self reflect on the amount of arguing you do on the internet and suggest you direct your energy to something more healthy. Like getting better at the video game :^)

I mean when people make things up it usually doesn’t make sense.

Notice you can’t provide any sort of proof where I claim to be above average or extremely good at the game.

Now that you still won’t realize you’re making things up it should be interested to see you either deflect or back pedal

And go.

I don’t think you realize what irony is.


I’m killing time at work. Maybe you should work on reflecting why you pick fights on the internet and feel the need to insult people.

Then you might not be such a hypocrite.

You can’t claim it because its easily refutable. So you take to the forums to argue with strangers to try to feel superior any way you can. Its a personality flaw that you should really get help with

I didn’t pick a fight, I’m merely knocking down someone a peg or 2 that needs it.

How do you view feral druid? Is that something you’d lump into “lol bm hunter go brrr”? Because if not, I have some bad news for your “lol bm hunter judging parses” statement.

You claim I need an ego check yet can’t provide any proof of said ego.

The irony.

Now you’re claiming to be a psychologist.

Notice I only argue with people that are disrespectful first. Aka people like yourself.

Now you’re delusional lol. You arent doing anything.

Haven’t played it at any level this expansion or recently so can’t comment on it.

I have played BM and parsed well.

I mean you can claim to have news but what you say doesn’t matter.

The proof is in your post activity. Your incessant need to argue with strangers online and try to make yourself seem like the winner or to be right. You need to read between the lines of your own words. “personal insults just mean I won.” Won what exactly?

Well, the group I raid on mine with is still progging normal so I can only go off of our normal parses and let me tell you they still put yours in the dirt :^) Eao@Illidan if you want proof.

If you have a toddler to take care of, why is WoW even started ?

Take care of your kid or find a babysitter.

If you’d actually looked at my post history I’m civil with people until they are disrespectful.

Like you’re doing right now?

You actually need to read what I say instead of assuming things.

The debate. Once you resort to personal insults because you can’t refute anything it means you lost.

Again you’re trying to “take me down a peg” while flexing normal logs lol

Do you sit by the crib of your child while they are sleeping just in case something happens? Or, do you fire up a video game between the times they sleep and you sleep to try to get an hour or 2 in of game time? If its the latter then that child could wake up for any reason and need you. Hence my comment on having to leave randomly.

People who don’t need an item shouldn’t roll need. But if they do that then taking gear from others is probably the only thing they got going for them in life so maybe just let em have thier one thing?
Maybe blizz just needs to leave group loot but bring back the bonus personal roll tokens. Seems like an easy to implement, fair solution that no one should have much issue with so naturally they will never do it.

I made sure someone at all times was 100% available yes.

Watch a movie or tv show, play a single player game that can be paused immediately. Don’t play a MMO with group content that requires commitment.

Your commitment is to that toddler.

I never fire up WoW if I’m the one responsible for the baby. Ever. Seriously, don’t. Just don’t.


I did look at it and you’re not civil. You’re quite disrespectful with how you word things.

I told you I’d bite and see where this goes. I don’t parse shame just anybody.

There was no debate. You replied to my comment with an attitude “This excuse isn’t valid.” Is a direct attempt to make yourself feel superior when replying to a comment. Your post history is full of subtle things like this that just point to the overall bigger issue. You argue with people online to try to feel superior. I called you out on it and you’re denying it. This entire back and forth has been as pointless as your original reply but since I’m bored I decided to engage in it to try to prove to you your own issues. I guess this stone is just dense enough to not get it.

Because there isn’t plenty of situations where people are needing for gear that’s grossly inferior to what they already have?

I guess your opinion on the topic is that no matter what no one is allowed to step away from the game for unexpected events. I’m glad the parents I play with don’t share this view lol