FIX LFR. Players with Mythic tier win tier token

The mage would have still gotten the tier piece and the outcome would be the same. The bug fix preventing people from getting multiples off the same boss being fixed eliminates the one way in which group loot is fundamentally different from personal loot.

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It’s possible some of that may not have been working right at the time. I was in there a little over an hour ago and it appeared to be rolling my loot spec as main spec after I double checked a few things just to make sure. I was loot spec swapping on every boss, so it was worth checking.

Ahoy Matey! I be Captain Kiewie sailing these seas o salt! Fueled by all the sunken dreams and aspirations of sunkin sailors.

Had pl still been a thing he could still have won them. Does it matter if you see a diceroll or not if the end result is exactly the same?

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Yes and yes. The illusion of change.

Unfortunately with the item that can add mythic effects to all versions of tier, some classes favor the LFR tier looks over Normal/Heroic/Mythic so this is going to happen a lot and I see no problem with it. If it was personal loot, you woulda just asked them for it and they would have said no and you’d still be upset.

The issue with one person winning 3 identical pieces and not handing them out is something that should be addressed however. There could be many reasons why they didn’t hand them out - left group before they realized it, social anxiety and didn’t want to conversate to hand them out, had an emergency and had to go as soon as the boss was down, or perhaps they’re just a jerk or maybe even queued with friends and traded with them. Doesn’t matter the reason I guess, one person shouldn’t win 3 loots off one boss regardless and personal loot did handle that issue.

I really like the group loot change though (even with its flaws) so maybe a sound compromise would be to just make LFR personal loot and all other difficulties group loot. I’d also like to see bonus rolls return with group loot which could lessen (but not fix) some of the pain points with the system.

Good news, its being fixed soon.

Uhh if that’s the fix, I want personal loot back in LFR. Not being able to roll on transmog in LFR is gatekeeping more geared players from wanting to enter and help lower geared players out.

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All self inflicted because blizz changed it to group loot lol. I bet none of this would be going on if PL was still there.

Whoever decided on this lol.

I guess it comes down to perspective on that one. As a healer 5% doesn’t matter all that much as well us and tanks are usually the lowest prio to gear as if we can already keep you alive/stay alive then extra gear wont change much of anything.

Everyone running LFR would like to thank you.

“Ilvl is irrelevant” is not the same as “ilvl is irrelevant in deciding if someone deserves the gear”

Reading comprehension matters

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Screenshot of proof they won all 3

I guess blizzard disagrees with you because they are fixing.

I used to see that as well all the time because guess what you can inspect and see what gear people are wearing.

Parents with toddlers that have to step away randomly who can leave an LFR freely without negatively impacting the group would like to have a word with this statement.

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Ok… im gonna buy the pvp gear set, then wear it while LFR. That way the entitled gear checkers will stop crying

I have a three year old and still have been raiding the last two years. Keep making excuses though.

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Dang, imagine thinking everyone’s situation is the same as yours.

You sound extremely toxic and I hope you find happiness somewhere in life.

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I’m here for transmog.
So wait in line while I get mine.