With the three new Heroic Dungeons not having their own que tab (Like they did back in OG Cata) and Protocol Twilight being a unbalanced mess with people who will just kick you for the fun of it, just fix LFR and bring it back.
This is a very poor fix to a problem that shouldn’t have happen in the first place.
This patch has been a huge mess in general.
I’m 100% in favor of bringing LFR back
However, if you’re getting kicked “for the fun of it” often enough that it’s a genuine issue, I guarantee it’s not just for the fun of it
i thought lfr would be out by now.
what happened?
they had intentions of releasing LFR this tier (allegedly) but commented that it wasn’t ready to be implemented yet.
So they added all the LFR rewards as boss drops or purchasable with the heroic+ token.
The reason is because they tried to turn it into 10-man instead of just putting it in as is, and broke it
Actually i can see the issue. LFR players coukdnt really gatekeep it. If u get in a pug group that is 4 players from the same server and they are all in H FL gear or one of them is the same class as the pug person.
Guess what you are going to get booted because they dont want competition on the tier token or trinket that can drop.
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No people are getting kicked for nonsense constantly. I get spared because I’m a healer but I almost always click no. Just today running protocol twilights there have been a TON of vote kicks in groups I’m in for BS. One was “took too long to buff”, they literally typed that in because they didn’t want to wait the 10sec it took a hunter to eat buff food. Another one because someone accidentally walked off side of Vortex Pinn, again clicked no but COME ON, the guy instantly said sorry he fell off by accident and was already coming back. It’s constant “for the fun of it” type kicks.
I didn’t say it doesn’t happen, I said it’s not frequent enough to be an issue. I easily have a few thousand solo queue dungeons under my belt since RDF was first implemented back in OG Wrath and the amount of meme kicks that have actually gone through is in the single digits. If you’re consistently being kicked for no reason, then it’s not for no reason
DK, Ilvl 377, usually highest dps in group, follows mechanics, interrupting, not standing in crap, etc.
Did four Twilight Protocol Dungeons, got kick 3 times; Two times on the last boss so the voting group could ninja tier loot and once because “they didn’t need me rolling on their plate gear.” So yeah not for “No Reasons” but the reasons being used to kick are not valid and amplifying an already anti-mmo toxic experience… YMMV
there original intention was to not add LFR till mop to begin with. They back tracked on that tho. Now with LFR gearbeing available form doing these new heroic + dungeons there is no real reason to add LFR till MoP.
sure therte is for people oh idk who arent able to do DS other wise? the whole reason lfr was made to begin with?
Yep. Which was tuned long ago to be runnable by newer 85’s.
As I read the inferno reports…its rng mixed with skill it seems with dps check off the gear for a side dish.
the rng is getting lucky with slimes or something. Kill the boss before they become an issue is the gear dps check.
When lfr at least had timer/script triggerss before boss wipe mechanics you could git gud at. Consistentcy. I admit my first runs in new lfr wings later retail wow were fugly as hell. By run 3, I am settling in decent.
LFR was added with Dragon Soul back in Cata, ZERO reason why it wouldn’t have been added this time. They should have left it alone and not try to adjust it.
Lol if the catch up mechanics where not added in the first place I would agree that LFR would be needed but since all the “QOL” Catch up mechanics are here LFR is not needed. Blizzard saw the “Casuals” would rather run dungeons then do raids.
The “casuals” are the ones being pushed out of the “catch up mechanic”.
Attitudes like yours and a few others here are perfect examples of that and others have already given “reasons” people got kicked out of the dungeons.
LFR is needed, it will come and it should have been there with DS just like it was originally.
yes it will come in MoP but not in cata.
Because they’re bad and know one wants to carry bad.
We’ve not had the chance to show otherwise here.
and even in retail…lfr gear is used to gear up for mythic dungeon too.
The gatekeeping starts after m5. at m10…I will say its even justified. Its just facts, not “gatekeep”, a fresh level cap in meh gear can’t run m10+.
LFR drops help out to get to the m10+ promised land. retail works off 2 if not more catch up gear methods up the whole time really.
which makes this interesting if they keep this up. legion classic comes…is mythic helya gonna be a loot pinata of m0 and LFR gear.
Cool if so. It make it worth while to dance around the water holes.
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we don’t realy need LFR, jsut let people queue for normal.
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Lol these are the same people who cant even do the slime mechanic in the new dungeons you think theyll be able to do normal mechanics?
they’ll have the opportunity to learn. if they can’t, then they don’t really deserve the rewards for it, now do they?