honestly, even if I don’t necessarily agree about queueable normal, based take. people really need to understand that sometimes getting the good stuff requires earning it
For many LFR is a training area for that though. To git gud, you must see the content to gid gud at it.
I came to wow a cold start from eve.
We don’t do raids there. Closest thing would be wormholes and incursions. But not really, I am reaching so far the back is thrown out lol.
I learned raid in lfr.
From the mythic spammers bored and slumming it there for mounts or tier set bonus on last pieces lol. One does not learn much from that dude who dies 30 seconds into every boss fight lol.
LFR also since all can join, takes pvp gear. I spam bg now to get 390 pvp. according to some people feelings here they’d insta kick me for even inferno. And I’ve spared no expense. Its my last set till mop, so I go sure…I’ll take 1300 gold BIS enchants.