Fix Healing

If you want more healers, do what you said you were going to do at the beginning of the expansion. Bliz said they would make healing not so rough in the sense that 1 mechanic will kill you or take 50% or more hp. They said it health bars would not be so “bouncy”. I have yet to feel any difference from the last several expansions. Fix that and maybe people will want to heal more. Everytime I come back to play retail I run 1 m+ and it reminds me how much I hate healing in retail. If I want to have a decent healing experience I go play classic or another game entirely. Sad.


I’ve had more fun healing in this expansion than any one previous to it. Maybe try playing with people that know how to avoid mechanics and mitigate preventable damage.

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As far as raid and M+ go, it’s relatively easy to heal. In M+ since it infinitely scales, you eventually have to get 1 shot. Unfortunately, the devs make M+ feel like crap in the sense that there’s walls very quickly in key progression, as where keys were more spread out in difficulty in the past.


My favorite boss to heal was the ice boss in halls of infusion in dragon flight. The consistent rot damage was a fun challenge.

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I’m having fun healing this season. It’s a good challenge and it shouldn’t be easy.


If they make healing easier, forum healers are gonna complain again about doing dps during down time


I think damage is less bouncy and most the time people get 1 shot is due to failed interrupts or standing in bad. Thats not a healers problem thats a player problem.
As for the lack of healers and tanks its less about not being fun gameplay wise but the entitlment of DPS and allot of players. They believe the healer should do all the grunt work in CC, mechanics, interrupts etc. Same for tanks they are expected to know routes and such. DPS is push button get numbers. Its why i stopped pugging and tend to do guild groups.
So until there is a real penility like IO lose for failing keys i dont think DPS players will begin to improve and the tank and healers will remain in high demand and cherry pick who they get in groups with

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Which every healer should already be doing anyway? :thinking:


I get happy when i can do damage as a healer means things are going well and people arent standing in bad taking avoidable damage which is the number 1 source of damage in every pug key i healed

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Yes but the complaints get much worse when healing is easier.

during DF this was a hot topic with many giving feedback they wanted every GCD to be locked up in healing. With all their focus on healing

And. Well. Blizzard listened.

Thats was trolls upset they got hekd accontable for afking. Thats the issues with the forums is so many trolls and uninformed people and the forum system allows for spam repost on multiple alts to make it seem like a issue when it isnt


I got some duck tape , it might help hold the group together so there is no LOS issues

Oh I agree.

They really need to redo the forums so it can be useful for feedback vs whatever cess is now. But back to the topic. Its more of a player issue has so many dps in pugs refuse to do anything but damage and expect their healer and tanks to do all the hard work lleading to thankless work and anger as dps tend to flame everyone but themselves for failure

Players don’t like their experience or accomplishments challenged when giving “feedback”. Which is why the forums will never be a good place for in depth feedback.

I love being told what i did wrong because then i can do better and be better. I dont know why others hate it so much

After maining healer for 15+ years (i probably still do), I decided to go with BDK. Maaan in DB i feel so sorry for every healer that needs to go through the dmg spikes.
I still need to get a hold of tanking and if i will, I will probably ditch healing. CBA healing :poop: heads not knowing how to press defensives.

Every player should try playing a haler at least once to understand what it means to press defensives.

Purely from a DPS perspective, but damage is spikey when something is going wrong. Either an interrupt was missed, someone is standing somewhere they shouldn’t or something that is nasty isn’t being dispelled.

For those kinds of situations it’s nice to have defensives. Survival of the Fittest is pretty plain as far as 30% damage reductions go, but it has a low CD and you get two of them. It’s helped me survive sticky situations more times than I’d like to admit.

I don’t think it’s directly a healing problem, but they sure will be the first in line in the blame game, sadly.

Yeah this one is not easy, but I really see it as a challenge personally. I like that I need to time and rotate my cooldowns.

Yeah it’s quite fun actually. What I REALLY hate is COT. Everything about it suck. Checkpoints, dispels, unavoidable dmg…