Fix Healing

There is a solid chance that I have just been playing with bad players, but it always feels like I’m fighting for everyone’s life and if I miss the gcd then they are dead. Not so much tanks tbf, but it feels bad when people just get 1 shot.

You don’t “have” to get one shot.

When blizzard finally realize that our dmg scales more than our survivability they will do the math and realize making M+ scale equally in dmg and health makes no sense with our character progression. They will change the dmg scaling of mobs in M+ to better represent our survivability scaling, and M+ will become what it was always meant to be, a speed run, meaning the focus should be on speed clearing and finishing in time by doing what’s most fun and most of the design is about AKA DPSing, and the main reason for deplete will become lack of DPS instead of dying too much.

Every role without exception will be more enjoyable, there will be less leavers, the game will make more sense, more people will tank and heal, there will be less complaint in every community platforms, and it will be easier to find ways to improve.

You mean “bad healers.”

Which I don’t get their mindset. “All I wanna do it heal.”

There’s no game out there where the healer only spams heals.

I recall some of these arguments on these forums from these bad healers:

  • Damage prevention isn’t healing, even though it prevents damage (ie: using defensive and group stops)
  • Dealing damage to help DPS kill enemies quicker isn’t healing. Even though it reduces healing load on the back end of a fight and DPSing is basically free for most healers.
  • Doing anything to speed up encounters or make things easier for the DPS and tank to do their job isn’t healing.

Yet all of those things would make their healing life easier. Just bad arguments all around. The main thing I like about WoW Retail is that I get to use my whole kit.

I came from FFXIV, and I get to barely use my kit. It’s just applying some heals when needed and spamming 1 DOT and 1 Damage spell. No group stops, no interrupts, etc. Imagine just applying few HOTs and spamming Wrath. Boring right?

Yet these forum healers (which I am a healer main) , want to do the opposite: spam heals and periodically do something else.

Blizzard should have just ignored them. I still get to use my kit besides spamming heals, but not as much as I would like. DF had it just right in my opinion. Season 4 was probably my favorite.

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Healing feels really good this expansion.

Rather than pumping damage 100% of the time I’m actually using every single last bit of utility in a steady rotation while maintaining “enough” damage to kill bosses.

I heal more now in +10s than I had to in +30s in Shadowlands TBH. Not an exaggeration. They’ve nerfed dungeons a LOT since week 1 so far as M+ goes also.

On another note, Timewalking, as much as I hate to say it, is incredibly fun now.

I’ve leveled six resto shaman this past week testing various builds and leveling my army for future use, and I’ve gotta say it is actually keeping me engaged for the first time in quite awhile.

I don’t understand this mindset.

Most of our healing comes in bursts and cooldown management rather than spamming. If you are spamming you’re wasting your time using healing spells when you should be contributing to control in order to DPS more. or you’re just joining really poor groups hehe

The trick is they never said at what key level this would be the case. At 2-5s, this is true. At 10+, this is false X_X

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3/6(?) specs already have to do DPS to heal…

Healing needs to be harder

Already the boosted role when you have a good group

I don’t care either way. Make healing harder. Make it easier. Doesn’t matter to me.

Right now healing is a weird niche that either enables groups or twiddles its thumbs while waiting on pre-emptive/reactive actions. Both suck in their own way. Both require Blizzard to find a fix.

Blizz can’t reduce spike damage in M+ until they start scaling enemy HP faster than enemy damage. To make the healing changes they’ve been talking about for 3 or 4 seasons they would have to make M+ difficulty about dps instead of survivability.

Omg yes, this is really the worst dungeon for me! It’s the only one I have still not timed it on +12.

Probably my dungeon with the most key depleted/leavers.

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If someone is getting one-shot, that’s their fault. It felt bad for me too starting out as healing but once I started realizing there was literally nothing I could have done to help them, it made it easier.

Most of the time if a dps dies, it’s their fault. The only caveat are targeted abilities like the corruption in GB or Putrid Waters in SoB, things like that are our job to either mitigate or dispel, but it’s been far too many times I’ve checked details after a rough run where dps players were dying or incredibly hard to heal and they didn’t even use a single healing potion the entire run.

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So effectively still a healer. :slight_smile:

There is a lot of bad play going up through +10s this season. With how dungeons are tuned and how many defensive and utility tools all specs have, there is a lot more individual accountability for one’s own survival. Oftentimes while it may be technically possible to save someone if you’re really on the ball as a healer, it’s common for players to rot down over 5 seconds with a defensive and health potion in their pocket. You just have to get used to the idea that people who don’t help themselves are going to die more often than in many previous seasons.

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Kinda yeah. Weird thing I find playing BDK similar to Resto Shaman. Spam self heals and run around. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also +10 diff is mitigated to some extent by any positive class changes and gear upgrade ppl might have, so what might kill u in a +10 5 weeks ago, is prolly gonna bring you to somewhere near 30% now.

But the same problem would still exist in a 12+++. But i would argue by then it’s a case of ‘‘Blizz want to kill you no matter what’’ rather then if healing is appropriate for that level.