Fix Halls of Valor Kings Strat and give it the +7min time back like it was in Legion M+

your route is more pug friendly though. especially on lower keys. skipping all wolves and not pulling them during boss fight is mega skill for most ppl for some reason.

I also like sometimes to pull 2 wolves pack into the boss. less scary plus good count.

another tip if you are hurting on fractions of percentage, when you are fighting drake after the portal, pull stags and drake will eat them up (he is getting stronger though). it can give you few 0.16% I think if you need that.

Yeah, it’s mainly why I started pulling them. Had 3 keys brick in a row with people running into it.

I mean HOV and AV are eassy to mix up

The drinks are in the dungeon to do a meta achievement which is no longer relevant. Or at least, it’s not relevant on M+.

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Is it possible to snap 2 sentinels at the gate to the Kings ?

Avoid fortified high key wolves, they delete dps and heal.

Halls of Valor sucks as a dungeon no matter what. It always feels like an eternity, with some of the beefiest trash M+ has to offer. The timer is excruciatingly short, and we need to use every min/max to eke out enough shortcuts to actually time this dumpster fire of a dungeon.

They could stand to rework HoV in general for Dragonflight’s M+. It’s miserable to run. I hate it more than any other dungeon right now, even Azure Vault.

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most of the time they need to be avoided at almost any key level. max consider two wolves into the boss with lust

The worst thing about HoV BY FAR is the lack of checkpoint.

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Would love to see the obnoxious RP get removed though. Nothing more stressful than seeing your timer creep closer while you’re basically just waiting for 2 NPCs to finish talking. Same goes for the CoS RP skip.


The last boss RP? Just have someone yolo guess the first NPC they can. If its wrong the lengthy RP at the end boss doesn’t play. You can also choose to not deactivate a beacon for the first boss but I would imagine 99% will choose to just deliberately guess wrong.

Does this really work? Thanks for the tip lol. Never really paid attention to how it functioned.

This is how it works, it’s all based on the meta achievement from legion. The final boss has two dialogue options once the door is opened, one short one and one long one.

The long one plays if you have gone “undetected” throughout the dungeon, and contains some lore tidbits and secrets that were relevant to the 7.1 campaign.

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I’ll tell someone to yolo it while I go ahead with my glowing shield transmog :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, which is exactly the problem. Legion dungeons like CoS and HoV effectively relying on something that could very easily be considered an exploit to speed it up.

I don’t recommend this in a pug, HOWEVER, you can pull literally every wolf, establish aggro and run while the DPS kills them. The leaps do not hit the ranged or healer as long as they keep moving. This is not easy by any means but absolutely a strategy and can be done. Worth a shot if your with some friends and the timers busted.

Ideally you skip the wolves and kill the boss for the double speed buff then let it rip. Can also use the strategy with all the bears. If done correctly it is a TON of % and you can skip most of the dining room stuff.

one mistake and its oneshot on higher keys, even in coordinated groups. i like bears and bulls more


Does this include slow back-peddle kiting?


What you typically do is have 4 players absolutely dogpile into melee and pixel stack while you aoe the wolves down. Meanwhile your healer is running laps / strafing side to side constantly.

If ranged are even slightly out of the stack they become a potential target. Everyone has to be considered “in melee” for it to work. It was spooky last week with storming but now it’s very consistent.

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Oh, misread that. “They” need to keep moving.

Yea it’s more on the healer/ranged DPS that’s doing the leap baiting, obviously as a tank you can’t face tank like 10 wolves or your done so you just need to chuck shields and hope that plus consecrate is enough to keep the wolves angry at you or the pull falls apart. Brilliant when it works but definitely not on the dratnos route lol. Helps to have a comp for it like a resto Druid or maybe a BM hunter/rogue for tricks - things like that. A buddy who plays prot warrior has a real hard time with it whereas prot pala it’s more doable because of our kit