Fix for unjust dungeon kicks

I’ve recently been booted on a tank for not wanting to speed run a dungeon, it’s unfair that I get a deserter debuff!

Most people just click kick to get rid of the popup and don’t know who or why they are kicking. I think their should be a second layer asking if they are sure to kicking said player and ask if they are griefing/afk and inform them that if it’s unjust they could face a 24hr ban or another form of punishment for harassment.

Along with that extra menu they could implement a system for the person who got kicked if they are never kicked to report the person who initiated it.

Their def needs to be punishment for people making everyone pay because our views don’t fit theirs for how the game should be played… it is harassment and discrimination in a sense and it’s happening more and more frequently!


Said this before and I’ll say this again, idk how y’all manage to get kicked from Pugs like this.

But yes for the small times this does happen there should be some sort of safety net to prevent the debuff, I’m not sure why they haven’t already, probably an oversight/not caring.


How many times has this happened though? Could it have been fixed by asking first?

(I tank too! And been kicked twice in 3 years )

Does maybe the first LFD kick a day not incurring the debuff seem fair?

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A kick shouldnt generate a debuff, only a deserter, or an afk.


Groups are allowed to kick you for ANY reason. It is a vote. Majority wins.

Blizzard has been clear about this. They can kick you because they don’t like your name, dislike your fashion sense and find your transmog offensive, dislike your race (in-game), etc…doesn’t matter.

Majority rules.

Been tanking since about 2004 and have never been kicked in the tank role.


No such thing as an unjust dungeon kick.


I’ll never understand why pugs kick tanks. Did the DPS forget how long they waited for one?

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Yeah it baffles me, especially if it’s over something petty.


The rules are pretty clear on party kicks

“Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.”

From their own CS article on it.


Well you know how to fix this, start speed running

I have a great fix for this already. I run with friends and Guild mates. Then I have her have to worry about somebody pulling a vote kick :rofl:


if they charged each character 100 gold per yes vote people would actually read the message. and it would be a fine gold sink

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This is just you enforcing your opinions and definitions on the entire community.


False. I see a lot of kicks fail actually.


Can I have your stuff?

Title suggests that “unjust” kicks are a thing, but Blizz has made it clear that justice/injustice has nothing to do with it; it’s a simple majority vote (3-to-1) to kick the 5th player for any reason or no reason at all.


You get a 30m debuff but then think a 24h ban is just retaliation?! Surely you’ll be appointed a judge in your district in no time with that logic!

Your complaint sounds like entitlement. You think it should be a certain way and if it’s not that way then it must be harassment/discrimination and there should be punishment in great disproportion to the crime.

The game has rules. If you don’t like the rules, you can certainly lobby for change (good luck if there’s no logic and you’re in a tiny minority or even out on a limb by yourself), but for the most part you should just play a game that has rules you like rather than trying to bend a game to your will.

Or (and I know this is a bit overused, but it works)… play with friends!

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Yes we know and that’s exactly what some of us have been trying to get changed. Reminding us what it says isn’t actually an argument lol. The point is we’re trying to get it changed so kicking people for no reason at all is against the rules.

It’s not an argument for/against, it’s a simple statement of fact; this is how it is and it has nothing to do with “unjust,” which would imply people have to have a reason to kick that fits in with rules that Blizz layed out.

I acknowledged that the OP can “certainly lobby for change,” but I’ll reiterate to you (since your misinterpreted my post as an argument for/against) “good luck with that call for change.”

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There is no unjust reason.

If the rest of the group wanted to go fast, then you are the outlier not working with the team.

… no… no it most certainly is neither of these.


How often are you kicked on average?

If it is occurring with some sort of frequency then maybe it is a “you” problem.

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