Agreed. They really don’t seem to give a rat’s a** about the economy or player experience. If they don’t either provide a new server without layering or do something drastic to fix the damage I’m not paying for next month.
I’m actually not worked up at all about the economy.
Economies have always differed by server. Gold flows both ways. If someone controls the market for x, they can amass gold. But then they are willing to pay more for other things.
Eventually the inflation reaches light leather, copper, and linen.
So the market self-corrects.
At level 18 I’m already selling pots for over 1 gold thanks to server transfers. Pots that can be made fishing for 3 minutes.
The real impact is on fixed cost items, like mounts and training.
A lot of the focus is on doing this exploit in a raid, but I feel like those who did this in regular dungeons are months ahead of me, getting pre-bis, rare patterns, etc.
99% of the abuse was in dungeons and those people should be banned for it.
It’s giving exploiters a leg up over everyone else who also pays the same amount per month - it’s not natural inflation, it is cheating.
I agree. That’s why I want fresh servers.
I’m just not bothered by the ah prices.
I saw a priest with 200+ healing and nearly all blue BiS the other day.
At first glance i thought it was very cool but it felt fishy since the game has been out less than a month.
Blizzard what will happen to these people’s accounts / characters exactly?
At this point I honestly feel like every character that exists with less than 200 hours played that is level 60 or has more than 2-4 pieces of loot per Ony/MC should straight up be rolled back to the state they were in at level 35, flat out.
Ah! that may explain why there was like 10 krol blade at the AH
First, thanks for fixing the gaping hole.
Second, you implemented the hole. In what world did instances need layering?
I’d love to hear it.
Partially, layering is the other reason.
Im right here with you. I was looking forward to Classic since it was announced. If nothing is done once layering is removed the economy will be beyond recovery. The people exploiting the layering in general for resources as well should be in this.
They should do that and also throw in a 2 week ban. But this is Activision-Blizzard and not the original Blizzard so i expect a limp slap on the wrist and a 1 day ban with no items removed.
Yea they really have no excuse for this since it is their own tech and dungeons never should have been layered to begin with. It’s hard to believe that someone at Blizzard didn’t know about this issue.
We have been saying all along that unless Blizzard takes a stance on exploiting it will get worse and worse until the game finally tanks.
It is way past time for the layer-hopping exploiters to be banned and their thefts removed.
Can we be done w layering now please
Great. The ban hammer should drop hard on this one. These people knew better than than to intentionally farm an exploit and did it anyway. They deserve a hefty punishment for that.
I can’t imagine them banning players perm but they should at the very least strip them of any money they made and items they paid for or earned from drops. start them back to square 1. I think that would be fair and send a message.
Are you going to punish all the players who have already manipulated layers unintended raid xp already that you have completely ignored and these players or is it another we dont care about classic game abuse!
imo roll back the items/gold - 7day suspension to entire wow acount [classi+retail]