Fix for Repeat Instance Bug Exploit

Thanks for coming refail kiddos. Grats for getting yourselves banned.

You could hop layers, to get resets on things. In both dungeons and raids. As well as areas. Imagine, you see a devilsaur. You kill it, well it’s not supposed to spawn for a hot minute…UNTILLLLL you layer hop and boom new devilsaur right there for you to do as you please. The big issue was that a raid group cleared up till rag, logged off for the night, logged back in to go kill rag and MC was totally reset allow multiple kills on all bosses. Obviously you only get one lock out a week. So you can see where this is an “exploit”, no keep killing those bosses and rinse repeat, don’t tell blizzard and you get a ton of BIS gear. It was more than just molten core and it was more than just streamers.

What streamers were abusing this live? Actually curious, want to see if Blizzard backs down on this or not.

My thoughts as well. If they didn’t do anything about the EXP exploit due to the amount of people involved, why would they do anything substantial in this case?

Well Esfand isn’t banned, and we watched him abuse this on stream. So either bans haven’t gone out yet, they aren’t doing bans which is f’d up but typical blizzard fashion, or streamers are getting a pass

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Soda has like 4 pieces tier 1 already. Multiple items from onyxia, so there is one major streamer I know of.


I watched live stream as your God and paycheck provider, Asmondgold did it. And then he proceeded to say “there is nothing, you could do about it” For once I agree with this man. You shall not and will not bite the hand that feeds you. Scurry along blizz and do not upset your provider Asmond.


It’s late Sunday night.

They’ll probably examine the full extent of the damage this week when everyone is back at work and then figure out what kind of bans to hand out.

Its not gonna be permanent. It should be atleast a month just to make up for the dmg, but even that is too much. For every normal person this would be perma or a serious ban, but since streamers abused it frequently and blizz has no spine anymore, it wont be serious. Ill apologize here if they do actually hit them hard. Its not gonna happen though.

Blizz probably thinks that streamers are related to wow classic success.

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Layering had nothing to do with this exploit.

How bout Blizzard do their job and take appropriate punitive measures on those that exploited layering and are running around on epic mounts already with banks full of gold and that leveled in days from exploiting.

With how many I see running around on epic mounts etc they are either exploiting bigtime or buying gold off gold sellers which both break the tos. If there is a bug are you allowed to exploit it now and not be reset at least or banned?

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My guild and I cleared Molten Core week 1.

But then we found out that certain streamer guilds cleared Molten Core 5 times in week 1.

We chose not to abuse the exploit, but now we’re going to have to compete with guilds who are literally a month ahead of us in terms of progression. Hydraxian Rep, Weapons, Tier Pieces, Bindings of the Windseeker that dropped on 4th and 5th clears of MC in a week…

Lots of people are incredibly demoralized by this.

The only way to make this right is sweeping justice against any and all who were involved.

-Permanently ban those who abused it
-Delete raid gear from any characters in guilds with people who abused this
-Raid lockouts for a few months for people in guilds with people who abused this. (Everquest did this several times for guilds who cheated)


How can anyone who did this not do it KNOWINGLY, it’s something that obviously wasn’t intended because in WOW 1.12 there was no layering which allowed this type of gameplay?

FFS stop giving cheaters an alibi!

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I think Blizzard comes down harder on streamers if they stream the exploit because they’re helping to spread an exploit.

This is true, ask Preach about his recent 30-day holiday!

What they should do and what they do do are two different things, and they did not do what they should have done when the EXP exploit was being stream and spread like wildfire either.

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Yes it did, it’s exactly how the exploit worked

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no it was invite/reset.

Perma-Ban them and delete the items, gold, mounts, etc they exploited, this is the kinda of bug which ruins a game completely. The ripple effect of items sold on the AH is the kinda of stuff that cant be fixed and will scar the economy of the game permanently.