Fix for all server population and que time problems

Literally just scrap the server idea from wow. Look at old school rs. Use your 3 brain cell and detach character saves from one server. Detach guild saves from one server. Make one more efficient auction house economy that is regional (NA/oceana, russia, etc.). Allow players to select what regional server they want to join each time they log in. Oh bene has a 7 hour que? K lets level on sulferas today. You can even designate certain servers for different things, grob is the world pvp server for example. Faerlina is the gdkp server etc. All problem solved. You can do it indy company I have faith (some at least)


Great idea. Blizzard, hire this man!

Easier said then done

honestly, this would be a great solution.

or just use the x-realm tech that retail uses so we are all playing on essentially a mega server.

my retail characters are on Dark Iron, one of the lowest pop retail servers, but the world still feels hella alive because of the x-realm tech in place.

Brilliant idea.

They should of done this from the start because the collision with names and guild names are what is going to be a problem

This isn’t a problem with connected servers on Retail. You just get a * by your name that shows what your old server was. This way there is no conflict over names.

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NO, Grobb is the RP server and needs to be left out of these flex ideas.
We just ALSO happen to be the only balanced PvP realm. That’s on y’all, not us.

Ok smart guy, tell us how * is gonna work when you can switch realms on a dime

Try and whisper someone and you cant, because theres 48 Greggs on the server that have the name Gregg.

You know what would be better?

A device where I push a little button and wings sprout out my back so I can fly.

I would also like someone to invent a money printing machine that only I can use.


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Grob is a pvp server. I am on grob and i switched here to pvp not rp. I dont care about rp at all

The solution is for people to actually be taking these free transfers that are offered on the queue screen, and they are. Sulfuras is getting pretty big I hear.

Thank you for your contribution. :roll_eyes:

They literally won’t use RDF to safeguard “server community”.

Good suggestion…

Also I think to cure cancer we should come up with a pill that kills all cancer cells…

These indie cancer research companies should just make this pill…


I hate cancer! We need to cure it

Threads like this were a lot more fun in ‘05. Now I assume everyone is 43 like me and it removes my hopes for humanity.


Very true and frustrating… I do understand the concept of that idea being a classic fan. But the reality seems different in my opinion at least. Was allowing paid server transfers blizz way of protecting community in the first place? I watched my community dissapear first from skeram, then again from sulferas. Where is it now?

By far the best comment on this thread ROFLMAO

honestly easier done than said. other companies all transitioned to stuff like this a decade ago even with games older than WoW.

Horrible comparison. This idea the OP has already exists and most MMOs already transitioned their games this way over a decade ago. Just a really really dumb and bad thing you said with no relevance whatsoever.

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