Both the pvp and pve server is 90% alliance on every layer. We need a fix
How? people don’t want to play horde, so what, don’t let alliance log in or?
Ouch guess you picked CS server D: Sorry to hear… You still have time to re roll on the main server! Exp boost helps a ton too Hope you have a great day Gallonmilk
what “fix” do you propose
Ban players on the faction that has more players until we reach 50:50.
I agree, Horde shaman are just way too strong, please nerf them so the factions will be more fair.
nerf pallies and hunters and boomies too then?
paladins already got nerfs. Revert the bubble nerf, and nerf hunters, shaman, and boomkins.
sorry no deal.
also the only shaman thing that needs nerfs is tank runes shaman and only that in particular.
Ragebaiting right here
paladins need more nerfs lol. exorcism and martyrdom need a flat 20% reduction, a melee class shouldn’t be doing triple the ranged burst of mages/destro locks while having everything else you could ever want in your kit.
honestly too , shaman are very successful in tank spec and a little less in ele and even a bit less in resto spec vs a pally who is very successful in shockadin and even to a little less in ret and around the same in holy if not a little less.
if you nerf tank spec shaman and also buff bubble back to being idiotic , well theres a big imbalance there isnt there?
Xtra still yapping skill issue whilst rolling the OP faction.
Handiclapped being a clown.
Is this all horde offers? You need to wake up to reality of how bad paladin is VS shamans.
Hahaha hordes are funny, You were crying because seal stack, a melee mechanic was a thing in p5. Now youre crying because exo spam was a thing again in p6.
And comparing with locks and mages that have a crazy toolkit for both PvP and pve and are long ranged spellcasters, low IQ.
Just tell me one thing, why a melee should not burst you in melee? Imagine being a melee that don’t burst and hit less than ranged dps, that makes no sense.
Melees by the rule hit way higher than ranged thats why they are melee, exo hit very low if the paladin is not in melee, seal of martyrdoom is melee btw and judg is 10y You can’t call it a “ranged”.
Look every ret paladin in logs and see the poor damage coming from crusader strike and Divine storm. Exodin is the new design of the class, this is SoD this is not era. You Mon key 100%
sure thing there bro.
make sure you try and insult me as much as possible to distract from the fact that you cant argue against my point in any meaningful way.
Great time to once again ask for character moves from CS to Wild Growth to be opened again for those of us that weren’t playing when they did them originally
The imbalance on CS isn’t that bad. It’s about a 12-13% population difference between alliance and horde. The mechanisms they have in place aren’t perfect, but it’s better than if they did nothing like on older versions of WoW where one faction just ends up completely eradicated entirely.
Even if you were playing, it was shut down in a matter of hours due to mass exiting of players. Had they left it open, server would have died. lol.
Now if they did open it up? server would 100000% be dead.
I think the point he is trying to make is as follows: So I’m pretty sure you also have a Druid or hunter? (I can’t remember, I just read your posts because it’s funny) Have you ANY experience as an ALLIANCE player going into a battleground? Because you have defending shamans OPness nonstop. Don’t tell me they aren’t OP just look at what they have access to compared to a paladin and just think for a minute…
Wrong. As long as I am taking twice the damage at ranged that I can deal in melee, nerfing bubble damage is just a slap in the face. Until they fix the one shots in PVP on geared players from ranged classes there’s no reason for bubble to have 50% damage. Period.
Yea because bad players used to having no counters don’t like losing.
How much damage do you think that exorcism does in PVP? It’s a 15 second cooldown and art of war also got nerfed a while back too.
Well good thing they aren’t doing that. A single hit that does less damage than other ranged classes on a 15 second cooldown. Just sounds like you’re undergeared.