That is a big difference that will cause a rapid decline as it become a circular problem.
less population = more faction imbalance = player frustation = quit = less people to group with = player frustration = player quit = more faction imbalance…
and this is how the old pvp servers are now 1 faction and basically pve.
no i said tank shaman were doing very well and have made several posts saying they were op and needed tuning along with any other tank spec in pvp as they are annoying to very daunting to go against and arent fun even for the person playing the spec.
ele i dont think is op. and resto even less so.
i named 3 specs from shaman and 3 from pally saying they all were doing very well to a little less so .
what happens to the equation when you excessively nerf 1 of them (maybe rightfully so) and then buff something on the other side that was busted given current meta with all the additives from sod and gear and whatnot?
the equation becomes unbalanced.
that was the point.
i agree some ranged are doing quite a bit more damage than they should be given the innate advantage that range has and the survivability they have as a result of being 36 yards + while dealing a huge truckload of damage .
hunters (who i have maintained have been top 1-3 in all of sods lifetime in pvp and even to a lesser extent in pve as well) are a big example of this.
its less 1 shotty with being in bgs and i still maintain that wpvp is a sad joke and impossible to balance without making alot of people who enjoy that specifically very mad .
i suggest basing balance posts on bg performance rather than wpvp cause with wpvp you are peeing in the wind.
Well, in P4 when the megaserver first happened there was actually more horde than alliance. I’m not saying the model is ideal or perfect, but it’s at least an improvement from the previous model of doing nothing. Hopefully next time around, they tweak and perfect it further.
you know the difference is massive when rets hardest hitting ability is a judgement for 1k max and most ranged doing 2-3.5k and being able to also just straightup tank melee/physical based classes through heals and damage mitigations that are on a 2min CD at best.
yes because paladins certainly deserved a -50% nerf on bubble when they couldnt even one hit people in bubble. good players wouldve played around a 5min CD which forces the paladin to commit or heal just to die.
You play this game and act coy to rets being able to get 6k damage off a ton of different abilities in like 2 globals.
go to the seven minute mark…
But I do agree, wizards are silly. You cannot outheal the damage. They need a better system to dampen damage against other players all the time not just in instanced pvp/
just LET horde make paladins and ally make shamans, problem solved! WOOOOO. Its almost like they lie that they cant do it, to eventually drive up hype for tbc by bringing in the pally/shamans then. o7